the one-inch man

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Rocket was at the front of the ship preparing it for takeoff. They were heading to Xandar to collect the bounty on Nebula.

Gamora was putting handcuffs on Nebula to keep her from killing them, while Quill was changing his shirt.

"That stuff about my father...who does she think she is? And the things she said to Jo too... I mean come on." Quill sighs.

"I know you're sensitive about that," Gamora says fixing the restraints on her sister.

"I'm not sensitive about it, I just don't know who he is."

She turns to look at him, reading his facial expressions. He's obviously sensitive, but Peter changes the topic.

"I'm sorry if it seemed like I was flirting with the High Priestess. I wasn't"

"I don't care if you were," Gamora deadpans walking away with Nebula.

"Well I feel like you do care...that's why I'm apologizing. So, sorry!" He says loud enough for her to hear before fully exiting the room.

"Gamora is not the one for you Quill," Drax appears in the room, scaring the crap out of him.

"Damn shadow," Peter mutters.

"There are two types of beings in this universe...those who dance, and those who do not."


"I first met my beloved at a war rally..."

"Oh god," Peter rolled his eyes already wishing the story was over.

"Everyone in the village flailed about, dancing. Except one Ovette. I knew immediately she was the one for me." He continued, "The most melodic song in the world could be playing, she wouldn't even tap her foot. Wouldn't move a muscle. One might assume she was dead."

"That does sound pretty hot."

"It would make my nether regions engorge," Drax whispers.

"Okay. I get it, yes." Quill stops him from going any further. "I am a dancer. Gamora is not."

"You just need to find a woman who is you."

"Mmm...I'm gonna go find Jo." Quill says leaving the situation.


Jo sits in her room with her legs dangling off her bed, her eyes glued to the wall in front of her.

But she doesn't cry from her empty thoughts. And she doesn't scream out of frustration. She just sits there in silence.

She hasn't thought about her past in a while since becoming a guardian. Joey gave up looking for any family she might have because, well...she thought she had already found hers.

But the thing the gold lady said had stuck with her. Jo couldn't stop thinking about it.

"I sense a darkness in you girl, and it will overcome you...but it seems that you know this already."

The only reason it scared the girl so much was because it was true. She was right. Jo knew. She knew during all those moments back on Xandar, before meeting the guardians, when she could've done the right thing, she catered to the darkness.

She didn't do it out of peer pressure or because she didn't have a choice.

She did it because it felt good.

It felt right.

But it wasn't.

And that scared her more than anything.

Nyctophilia // Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now