ꨄ︎ falling like snow at the beach ꨄ︎

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Lana has noticed you from the moment she walked on stage.

It's no surprise to see most of the fans in the front row holding bouquets of flowers or gifts for her. But what has caught her attention is that you're the only one with flowers in both hands. You're young, you should be with your phone stuck in your hand, recording her every move like the rest. But you're not.

Her eyes can't tear themselves away from yours. She finds herself smiling in amusement because you're keep staring at her in such awe.

Lana has to be honest. You are a pretty sight as well. Being a few meters from the stage allows her to see you clearly, to study your face carefully while she sings Bartender.

Yeah... You are beautiful indeed.

It's strange, Lana realizes at a certain point, to be surrounded by a crowd of fans but to feel like she's only singing for only one person.

She does it during Mariners Apartment Complex, in fact.

"Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am
I'm your man..."

Until this exact moment in the show, you thought you were imagining every little interaction with Lana, from eye contact to the smallest smile. It's the first time you're seeing her live so going insane makes perfect sense.

But of all the places on the spacious stage where she can crouch, she does it right in front of you. Her beautiful emerald eyes are locked on yours as she sings exclusively for you. You don't dare blink and you're pretty sure your blood pressure is dropping.

"Baby, baby, baby, I'm your man, yeah..."

Before Lana stands up, your mouth, which had been hanging open all this time, articulates words that despite all the screaming and music track, she surprisingly comes to hear perfectly.

"Holy fuck. You're so hot."

A giggle escapes her mouth.

You melt into place, even more so when Lana blows a kiss your way.

And it's just the beginning.

Because after singing Cherry, she bends down to your height again, this time reaching out to grab one of the bouquets. You stretch as if your life depended on it, and just when you think it's not going to be possible, her fingers lightly brush against yours.

Breathing? Gone.

Lana gives you one of the brightest smiles you've ever seen on anyone. You then rush to try to give her the bouquet left.

"Stay with that one!" she raises her voice above the music track and the fans around you, who are no doubt breaking your eardrums. "Thanks!"

"I fucking love you!"

Man, she hears those three words from so many strangers day after day, at her shows or on the street, but yours make her blush.

"You do, huh?" With a smirk on her face, she walks away again.

A few songs later, you come to the conclusion that your luck has run out, that Lana has addressed you out of the whole audience by pure chance. That the magic is over.

But when she finishes singing Cinnamon Girl, you see her coming off stage to greet fans. It seems like there's an ocean apart as Lana signs autographs and takes selfies, and that you shouldn't have high expectations because she barely moves from that section of the crowd.

When you least expect it, she's already heading in your direction.

"I like your necklace," is the first thing Lana says to you as she signs autographs on your left.

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