Ch.13: Then There Was 4

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The last time anyone saw Mako was when she was a baby. She used to have playdates with Usagi and Trunks before the Androids attacked and killed their fathers. Since then, Mako stayed exclusively at her new home.

Her height was intimidating to say the least, especially for someone they hadn't seen in so long.

"That's Mako?" Usagi asked just to be sure.

Chi Chi dipped her head. "In the flesh."

Usagi immediately spotted Makoto's earrings. They were little pink roses. "Oh wow! Those are so cute!"

Mako's face flushed, placing a hand behind her ear. "You think so? I found them."

"Aww, you found them?" Usagi pouted. "I wanted a pair like that too..." Her piercings were nearly closed at this point. Even if Usagi did have a pair of earrings, she'd lose them like she always did.

Mako shifted on her feet. "... maybe I'll let you borrow them one day."

"Yay!" Usagi began hopping around happily, leaving Mako to chuckle awkwardly.

"Say, Mako," Trunks began, saving Makoto the embarrassment. "What brings you here anyway? It's a long way from Kame House, did you learn to fly?"

Mako blushed. Trunks' attempt to make her more comfortable still made her feel flustered. "Er... No. I can't fly. I came here on the back of Turtle. Same way Minako left."

Trunks tilted his head. "Minako left too?"

Mako nodded her head. "She wanted to train by herself."

"And what about you?" Trunks asked. "You didn't say why you left?"

She reached her hand up to scratch the back of her head. As she brought her hand down, she twisted strands of hair from her ponytail around her finger. "I um, got my heart broken recently."

"Oh." Trunks was taken aback. "I'm sorry to hear."

Mako's face turned more red.

Usagi reeled back. "That's so sad! You'll find somebody Mako, I just know it."

"I'm fine-"

"I mean just look at you!" Usagi began rambling. "Even though we haven't seen each other since we were babies, I know you're a real catch. So tall and beautiful. I'll kill whoever broke your heart!"

"Usagi!" Mako shouted, bringing the pigtailed girl back to reality. "I'm okay, really. Besides... I feel like there was some other reason to be here. Like something was pulling me to find my destiny."

Trunks continued asking questions, ignoring Usagi's outburst. "Is that what happened to Minako? The reason why she decided to leave?"

Mako gave it some thought before resorting to a shrug. "I'm not sure, but she seemed really determined to leave. She never came back either."

Usagi slumped her shoulders. "Minako's gone? How would we know if she's okay?" Despite having faint memories of the girls her age, Usagi cared deeply for them. She couldn't explain it. Like they were all connected somehow.

"Minako's parents are Launch and Tien, she's a strong girl." Trunks reassured her. "Kinda like you Usagi."

The two briefly share a long look at each other. Makoto cleared her throat.

"And you too Makoto... Kind of like... A lot of women in my life." Trunks crossed his arms as it only just occurred to him that the majority of people left in his life were strong women. His mother, his sisters, Chi Chi...

At the mere thought of it, there was rampant knocking at the door.

"I'll get it!" Chi Chi chimed as she walked over to reveal Ami and Rei standing on the other side of the door.

Trunks had assumed they came looking for him. "Sorry I didn't come home last night, Usako invited me to stay and-"

Rei held up a hand to silence him. Her stare was stony. She had Luna atop her shoulders.

Ami had her tracker in her hands. The blue haired girl was looking at one person in the room. "This has to be it. She's one of the other Sailor Guardians."

Makoto looked lost, confused to why everyone seemed so calm. "Sailor Guardians? I thought the scouts died a long time ago. What is she talking about?"

"Hold on..." Ami furrowed her brows as she looked down at her tracker. "Do you all feel that?"

"Two powerful energy levels in a nearby village." Rei said.

"17 and 18." Trunks growled.

"But hold on! There seems to be other Androids with them," Ami continued. "They're very week but they seem to be getting stronger, like they're feeding off of something... This is very bad."

"We have to go to now." Rei took out her transformation pen. "Mars Crystal Power!"

"Wait, what?" Mako blinked as she saw Rei transform and bolt out the door with Luna still on her shoulders. "What's going on?"

"Mercury Crystal Power!"

"Moon Crystal Power!"

Since Ami couldn't fly and Rei took off, Trunks took it up on himself to carry her towards the location. This just left Usagi and Mako.

"So... You're all Sailor Scouts?" Mako asked.

"Yeah," Usagi responded. "No time to explain. We have to go."

"Wait!" Mako grabbed onto Usagi's arm, prompting the girl to stay. "Take me with you."


Rei arrived first, followed by Trunks and Ami. Her violet eyed were wide in terror. "No..."

All around were lifeless bodies. Their forms slumped onto the ground.

Trunks landed next to Rei, placing Ami down. "Are they... Dead?" he asked, swallowing a fast forming lump in his throat.

"Their hearts," Rei croaked. "They're gone."

Ami scanned their surroundings with her visor. "But they're not dead! Look!" She pointed over to a weaker Android that looked like it was made out of car parts. "Their hearts are being stolen and taken into there!"

The three watched as the Android sucked up another human's heart, rendering them unconscious.

Quickly, Rei acted as Sailor Mars and clasped her hands together, pointing both her index fingers out. "Fire... Soul!"

A flame spouted out of her fingers and headed directly towards the Android for a devastating blow. "Let their hearts go!" Mars commanded, running towards it. Luna hopped off as to not get into any danger.

Usagi soon arrived with Makoto, Ami briefly getting them up to speed. "I better go help her..." Ami says. "She can't do it alone. There's more than one lesser Android in the area."

"You do that, Usagi and I will handle 17 and 18." Trunks added. They nodded at each other knowingly.

"Aqua mist!"

Mercury's mist shrouded the area, effectively cloaking the teens. She, Usagi, and Trunks had taken off, leaving Makoto with Luna.

Mako clutched her hand to her chest, gritting her teeth. "I've got to do something. I want to fight."

Luna looked up at the tall girl. "Are you sure?"

Determination flashed in her eyes. "Yes. I'm sure."

That fighting spirit... Luna thought. "Very well, catch!" She tossed a green transformation pen and Makoto caught it.

"Now repeat after me... Jupiter Crystal Power!"

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