Ch.4: Plans and Premonitions

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Gohan stirred, hearing all the commotion beside him. He opened his eyes to see Trunks standing above him. "Trunks..." he struggled to say. "Is Usagi..."

"She's right over there. She's okay." Trunks reassured him.

Gohan attempted to sit up. When he tried to push up with his left arm, he realized it was gone.

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry?" Gohan echoed. "It's not your fault. The Androids did this."

"But if I had just been there in time, maybe they wouldn't have done that to you!" Trunks protested. He appeared to be on the verge of tears but he kept it together quite well.

Gohan shook his head. "You did what I asked Trunks, you brought Usagi to safety. You did great."

As they talked, Luna hopped off of Trunks' shoulders and went over to Usagi.

"Trunks thinks it's all his fault..." Usagi sniffed. "But it's mine. I'm so helpless, my dad must be disappointed."

"Don't worry about that now!" Luna reassured. "Take this, it'll make you stronger." Luna took Usagi's hand in her paws and a pink compact materialized. "Use this in your next fight. It'll make you stronger and turn you into Sailor Moon."

Usagi was reluctant to accept the compact, but the urge to grow stronger was overwhelming her. "Thank you."

Luna dipped her head.

Gohan approached Usagi with Trunks supporting him. "Hey there." he wanted to properly greet his sister but this wasn't the place. "Let's go to Capsule Corp, yeah?"


"Ami! Get me the bandages!" Bulma commanded as she tended to Gohan's wound.

"Bulma, honestly. I'm okay."

"Okay?" Bulma drew back, widening her eyes. "Your arm is completely gone!"

Gohan chuckled softly. "I don't even feel a thing."

As Bulma fretted over Gohan, Usagi, Trunks, and Rei stood with their backs against the wall. Rei turned her head to look at Usagi with Trunks standing between them.

Rei narrowed her eyes at her. "You were supposed to follow me, what were you thinking?"

"I had to save Luna!"

"Who's Luna?"

"Down here!" Luna walked up to Rei and sat by her feet. "Please don't get mad at Usagi. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be alive right now."

Rei snickered and closed her eyes. "Barely. You were very lucky that our brothers were there."

Trunks felt compelled to come to Usagi's defense. "Stop it Rei, Usagi feels bad enough. We all do."


Soon Ami reappeared with the bandages to wrap up Gohan's stub.

As the children watched Gohan get bandaged up, Usagi suddenly burst into tears. "What am I going to tell mom?! She's going to be so upset!"

Her outburst gained the adults' attention. All Bulma could do was frown as she fixed up Gohan. She understood how Chi Chi would feel. Bulma could feel Gohan pressing up against her hand as he stood.

"I'll go home with you and talk to her." he said.

Usagi wiped her tears with the back of her hands. "You would?"

Bulma sat him back down. "You're not going anywhere in this condition. I've got to monitor you. Stay the night and you can go tomorrow."

Usagi sighed.

"It'll be like a sleepover." Ami suggests. "Please try not to feel sad Usagi. I'm sure Chi Chi won't be that upset."

"You underestimate my mom." Usagi said glumly.


As the girls prepared for bed, Luna made observations.

Rei sat on the floor resting her hands on the knees. She had her eyes closed as if she were meditating. "Something very bad is going to happen in the near future." she says under her breath.

Luna hopped into her lap. "What makes you say that?"

Rei opens one eye to acknowledge the black cat's presence. "For as long as I could remember, I've been receiving visions. I can't quite tell what this one is supposed to be. All I see is a crater."

"Did you know that Gohan was going to lose his arm?"

Rei closed her eyes once again. "It doesn't work like that. I get visions, but not all of them are from the future."

Luna was amazed that a child could possess such abilities. Even though Rei was half Saiyan, those visions come from somewhere else. Luna was sure she had to be Sailor Mars. She just needed to prepare the transformation pens first.

Luna then went to investigate what Ami was up to.

The blue haired girl was conversing with her mother in the lab. They were drawing up blueprints together.

"We can't let things continue as they are right now..." Bulma was saying.

"Do you really think it'll be possible?" Ami asked in a small voice.

"It'll take years for it to be done, but once we have it. It'll be worth it. With our smarts combined, nothing is going to stop us from building this time machine!"

Time machine?

Luna held onto the doorframe as she watched them. It was no secret that Bulma Briefs was one of the smartest women on Earth. Luna has to watch her daughter further.

Ami nibbled on the end of an eraser tentatively. "Should we tell the others?"

Bulma shook her head. "Not yet, I don't want to get their hopes up."

"I understand."

Before she could get caught, Luna heads away. If she was correct, she had also found Sailor Mercury. She had hoped that Artemis had located Jupiter and Venus.

The two cats were desperate to revive the Moon Kingdom as well as restore Earth to its former glory.

First things first, those Androids had to be destroyed.


The following morning, Usagi left with Gohan. He seemed perfectly fine, despite his injury.

"Just have to get used to it is all." Gohan reassured everyone before they left.

They flew back home in relative silence. Usagi wanted to say so much to him but now she lacked the words to do so.

"Hey," Gohan flew next to her, tossing his arm around her for an embrace. "Everything will be okay. Now let's go talk to mom."

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