Ch.11: Stolen Hearts

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Ami slowly raised her head enough to see into the window. On the other side she could see a woman with red hair, dimly lit by a laptop.

Phase 2? Ami thought. What's phase 2?

But before Ami could get an answer, the laptop turned off, leaving the room dark. It was time for Ami to leave. Hugging the wall, Ami walked as fast as she could in order to not get detected.

The red haired woman departed from the room she was in, a large gun of some kind in her hand. She hesitated, looking around. "Is somebody there?" she called out.

Ami panicked inwardly. As far as she knew, she hadn't made a sound. Her breath caught in her throat.

Satisfied, the woman  shrugged and continued on her way. Fortunately, she went the complete opposite direction of where Ami was. Not wanting to stay any longer, Ami gathered what she needed and bolted.

She found Rei downstairs with a few items in her arms.

"We have to go." Ami whisper-yelled.

Rei looked puzzled. "Wait, why?"

"Someone was here, a woman. I suspect she might be behind the Android invasion." Ami explained.

Rei dropped whispering altogether. "If she is then we have to tail her! Where did she go?"

"I don't know, but—"

"Then what are we waiting for! We have to find her before she's gone!" Rei took off flying, trying to sense if there was any energy nearby. Once she caught the scent, she was well on her way.

Ami was forced to run behind her. "Mars, wait!"

Rei doubled back to carry Ami, holding her by the arms, the rest of her body dangling in the air. "One of these days, we're gonna have to teach you how to fly. Even Yamcha, a full on human knew how to fly."

"Yes but," Ami waved her hands. "That's not the point! Rei, we don't know who this foe is. We won't know if we can take her!"

"We're not going to fight her, we're just going to watch." Rei told her. She could sense the red haired woman's energy below her. "Look. There she is."

Rei took Ami stop a building and the two sister peared down to watch.

The red haired woman placed the large gun into her car and went around to the driver's side to get in. Once the car was started, she drove off.

"Come on," Rei grabbed Ami once more and flew a short distance behind the car in order to not get detected.

The car parked next to another building where a different red haired woman was standing. This one has longer hair and was wearing a dress.

"Well?" The long haired one asked.

"It's time to equip the Androids to steal hearts. However, it's going to be difficult to track down Androids 17 and 18."

"Nevermind them," the longer haired woman flapped her hand in dismissal. "Give me your gun and I'll utilize its properties for the other Androids."

The shorter haired ones complied, taking her gun out of the car. "Make sure you give it back Kaolinite."

The longer haired woman— Kaolinite nodded. "You won't miss it. Now go inform the others that phase 2 is underway. Professor Tomoe is waiting on me."

The two depart, Kaolinite heading inside the building and the other one driving away.

Rei and Ami looked at each other, noting the names. Kaolinite and Professor Tomoe. Just who were they? But one thing was for sure, now the girls knew that these people were behind everything. They had to report back to Bulma.


Mother and adoptive daughter stood in the kitchen, baking together. Launch was in her blue haired form, humming away as she mixed the cake batter. She and Mako baked a lot these days, making most of the end of the world.

The only times they left Kame House was to go get food and other ingredients so they wouldn't go hungry. On one of these outings, Makoto met a boy whom she fell head over heels for.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel the same way. He said she was too freakishly tall for him and broke things off.

This left poor Mako heartbroken. The only thing that healed her heart was baking and even then, it was a bandaid on a bullet wound. She was slumped against the kitchen counter.

"Oh Mako," Launch sighed. "Chin up. You'll find a real good boy one day. I promise."

Mako sulked. "How am I s'posed to do that when I'm shacked up here all day."

Launch paused.


"It's okay," Launch placed a hand on Mako's back, rubbing it in circles. "It's dangerous out there, but I won't stop you from finding your true love. You're a strong girl, Mako. Just like your father."

Mako turned her head slightly to look at Launch. "D'you really think I could make it out there?"

"Mhm!" Launch tugged on a bag of flour, attempting to open it. It didn't give way immediately, but when it did, flour exploded in her face. This prompted her to sneeze, turning her into blond Launch.

"You're the toughest gal I know! Well... After me of course. Anybody even looks at you wrong, you whack 'em upside the head!"

Mako chuckled. "Thanks for the advice."

Launch continued. "I suggest you find Chi Chi's place, she's the closest. Then maybe you'll find Minako. That gosh darned girl promised me she'd come home, but she never has."

"Yeah..." Mako trailer off. If she were Minako, she'd come visit her mother all the time. She was lucky to have one of her parents left where Mako had none. Mako was fortunate to be taken in by Krillin and then Launch when everyone died.

"Y'know," Mako said. "I think I will go."

Launch grinned toothily. "Atta girl Mako."


Trunks had escorted Usagi home, insisting that she take a break. "Even Gohan told me that everyone needs a break now and then. Even though you're Sailor Moon now, you're no different."

He expected Usagi to go against him, but she immediately resigned. "Okay!"

"You need to have your rest— wait, what?"

"I'll take a break." Usagi said. "I'm hungry, are you? I hoped my mom cooked already. Let's go." She grabbed his arm and before he knew it, he was tugged inside of her house. Typical Usagi, always thinking of food.

"Trunks! I didn't know you were coming in today." Chi Chi said as she saw the two enter the house.

"Neither did I." Trunks murmured.

"Come to think of it," Usagi added. "You never stay over for the night. But I usually stay over at your place."

Trunks raised a brow. "That's because you're there for Ami and Rei. Don't pretend you sleep over for me."

"But they're not here right now. C'mooooon," Usagi begged, his arm still in her hands. She bounced up and down, jerking his arm about. "Without you, my break will be soooo boriiiiing. Mom will make me study!"

Chi Chi crossed her arms. "So that's what this is about?" She then looked at Trunks. "If you're staying, you're studying too."

"I don't mind that." Trunks was fairly smart, like his mother. It would be an easy task.

"And you've gotta help Usagi."

"Well there's the kicker."

"Hey!"  Usagi waved her hands in the air. "Why is everybody so mean to me!"

"It's settled then," Chi Chi clasped her hands together. "Make yourself at home Trunks!" she exclaimed while Usagi sobbed.

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