Prelude: Usagi is Born

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In the year of Goku's absence after defeating Frieza, Chi Chi became very lonely. She then went on a quest with her son Gohan to retrieve all the Dragon Balls for a wish of her own.

The Dragon Balls were redistributed after the whole ordeal with Frieza.

When Chi Chi had found them, she only had one thing on her mind. The full moon was high in the sky as she and Gohan gathered around the Dragon Balls, summoning Shenron.

"I wish to conceive a daughter to stay by my side while my boys are off fighting."

And so it was granted.

When Goku returned, he was shocked to see Chi Chi looking plumper than usual. "Have you gained weight?" He asked, then stroking the back of his head and amending his statement. "Not that that's bad or anything..."

Chi Chi looked up on his with laughter in her eyes. "No Goku, I'm pregnant!"

"Whaaaat?" He glanced down at young Gohan who simply shrugged. "I thought that— wait... You didn't cheat on me did you?"

"She's as much as your daughter as she is mine." Chi Chi reassured. "I made a wish with the Dragon Balls."

Goku was stunned to say the least. But it made sense. He was just going along with it. "Hrm... Cool! A daughter, huh? I hope she turns out just like you Chi Chi!"

Chi Chi chuckled, patting her belly. "Let's hope so!"


A couple weeks later, Chi Chi finds out that Bulma was pregnant at the same time as her. So soon after Ami, she was just a little baby.

Bulma carried baby Ami in the crook of her arm, her other hand on her stomach as Chi Chi looked on in wonder. They met up in Capsule Corp to catch up. "Wow," Chi Chi mused. "You and Yamcha got busy."

"Actually..." Bulma's face turned pink. "It's Vegeta's."

Chi Chi's jaw dropped. "V-vegeta's?!" She couldn't believe that the grumpy Saiyan would get with Bulma. That also meant that Yamcha had to be out of the picture as well.

Ami cried at Chi Chi's outburst, her mother promptly placed a Capsule Corp binky in her mouth. "Yep," Bulma said. "He's so sure we're going to have a boy."

Chi Chi nodded. "I see."

"Have you thought of names for your girl?" Bulma asked, her eyes lighting up with interest. "I heard Bulma is a pretty name.

Chi Chi places her hand on her chin. "Hmm, I dunno. Definitely not Bulma."


"Goku and I have been trying to come up with names for weeks. We've been thinking of names like Serenity... Or Serena..." Chi Chi sighs, lowering her hand to place it on her hip. "But they just don't feel right."

Bulma started thinking to help out. "How about..."

They both looked down at Ami's footie pajamas that had rabbits on them.

"Usagi!" they shouted in unison.


As months went by, Goku became weaker and weaker. No one was sure why until it was too late. It was a stormy day as Goku laid on his deathbed. He only had a few moments left to live.

Chi Chi was also giving birth at the same time and Bulma was helping her. Her baby Trunks was born a day before. She made Vegeta stand outside the room holding him along with Yamcha who was holding Ami.

All of their friends gathered anxiously with their kids, awaiting news about either the baby or Goku.

"C'mon Chi Chi..." Bulma urged, gritting her teeth to fight back tears. Chi Chi however was letting the waterworks flow. "You want her to meet her father, don't you?"

"I do!" Chi Chi sobbed.

"Then push!" Bulma shouted. "Push!"

Thunder struck as Chi Chi cried out, giving one final push as Usagi was born. Quickly, Bulma cut the umbilical cord and brought her over to Goku.

He raised his hand to touch Usagi's cheek with every bit of strength he had left. "She's... Precious." His hand dropped back down and he was gone.

Finally, Bulma let her tears go as she watched her old friend pass away.

The strongest warrior in the universe, killed by a heart disease.

There wasn't time to continue crying now though, there was work to do! Bulma toughened up as she went to clean up Usagi and tend to Chi Chi. Once that was done, Bulma let Gohan inside to see his family.

The poor boy's eyes were red from crying so much. He raced to his dad's bedside, begging for him to come back. Like he always does.

To distract him, Bulma tapped his shoulder. "Come see your sister." She guided him by the shoulders and led him to Chi Chi's bed. In Chi Chi's arms, Usagi was swaddled up.

"H-hey..." Gohan said, his voice wavering. "What's that on her forehead?" He pointed at Usagi. An upsidedown crescent shape was upon her forehead, glowing until it glowed so bright it faded.

"Maybe it's a sign." Bulma whispered wistfully.


With Goku gone, earth lost it's most powerful protector. When the terrible Androids came, nothing could stop them from whiping out everyone.

Angered by the loss of everyone, Gohan was able to become a Super Saiyan. However, even that wasn't going to help.

With Piccolo dead, that meant the Dragon Balls were gone. All hope was truly gone.

Many children lost their parents that day. Bulma stayed with her kids Ami and Trunks. Before Vegeta had perished, she fell pregnant again. Now he will never see the birth of this child.

In the wake of losing her only parent, Makoto was sent to stay with Launch who was now raising Minako in Kame House.

While Chi Chi had Gohan and Usagi to look after, her father stayed to help out. However, as years went by, Gohan became more and more detached, training to one day defeat the Androids.

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