Ch.10: Progress

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With Ami moonlighting as Sailor Mercury, the work on the time machine was slower down. Bulma had no problem working on it herself, after all, once it was done they had all the time in the world.

Bulma listened as the girls and Trunks gathered in the lab for a meeting.

"Weaker Androids have been popping up lately." Luna told them while standing on the table. "It's safe to assume they came from the same place 17 and 18 came from. They must know our numbers are growing."

"What about the other two Sailor Guardians, Luna?" Ami asks. "Jupiter and Venus, how will we know when they've awoken?"

Luna paced around. "I'm not so sure, they could be anywhere on the planet right now."

Trunks set his brow in thought. Out of the four of them, he was more well-traveled. "Well what about Sailor V? She has to be a Sailor Guardian right?" The girls turn to look at him.

"Sailor V?"

Trunks nodded. "Sailor V has been something of a vigilante, I haven't run into her but I've been hearing rumors."

Luna mulled over this information. "Then that leaves one more once we find this Sailor V."

"Assuming that the rumors are true." Rei added.

Ami adjusted her visor, her eyes dark in thought. "What if... I create something that could sense power levels across the whole planet? None of us have that ability since all our fathers died before we could be taught. Luna then could tell us which energy signatures belong to Sailor Guardians."

"That's a great idea Ami!" Luna praised.

"I could help you with that," Bulma offered, leaning against the wall with a wrench in her hand. "After all it was moi, who created the Dragon Ball tracker."

Ami looked at her mother in hesitation. "You already have a lot on your hands with the time machine. I can handle this. Rei can help me find the materials."

Bulma's words caught in her throat. "O-okay! Sounds good!" She hasn't expected Ami to take on this project on her own. Bulma was used to Ami working with her.

Ami then turned to Rei. "Ready to go? It's best we get this done as soon as possible."

Rei dipped her head and the two walked off, passing a snoozing Usagi.

"Usagi!" Luna tapped her face with a paw. "Did you hear a thing about what we said?"

Usagi woke up with a start, her snot bubble popping. "Wha— huh?"

Trunks came to her defense as Usagi rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Usagi's been pushing herself a lot lately."

Since their scuffle with Androids 17 and 18, Luna taught Usagi how to use Moon Princess Halation, the special attack of Sailor Moon. However, it took a lot of energy out of her. It turned the lesser Androids back into scrap metal. Those who were humans also got turned back into humans. Mercury and Mars do not possess this ability.

Luna sighed. "Usagi..."

Usagi sulked, sinking into her seat. "I'm sorry. I'll stay awake next time!" She leans over to whisper into Trunks' ear. "What did we talk about?"

"Ami's making an energy seeking device." Trunks replied in a normal speaking volume.

"Oh!" Usagi's eyes widened, likening her expression to one of understanding. However, her words didn't reflect that. "What for?"

Trunks fought himself from inwardly sighing. "To search for Sailor Venus and Jupiter's energy signatures. That way we can find them."

"I wonder who they'll be." Usagi mused. "I hope they're nice."


"Venus love me chain!"

Sailor V tied up a couple Androids to a lamp post. "Gosh, where do you guys keep coming from?" She placed her hands on her hips, looking at the Androids who were no more than mere machines. Not a shred of humanity to them. She got no response.

"Ah well." Sailor V tugged on her chain, squeezing the Androids until the exploded into nothing.

She then dusted her hands. "All in a day's work."

Artemis hopped onto her shoulder. "Great job Minako. All the Androids in this area has been cleared out."

"They've been popping up a lot more lately. I don't think I've ever ran into any until now." Minako noted. "I've mostly been handling second rate villains." She started walking together with Artemis to her hideout in Orange City.

Ever since leaving Kame House, Minako had been staying here for most of her days. She never found the time to go visit home.

"Whoever's behind this must be getting scared and sending reinforcements." Artemis suggested.

"Or they're trying to finish the job." Minako frowned.

"For everyone's sake, let's hope that this is not the case." Artemis added. The white cat scratched his head. "Maybe it's time we leave Orange City."

"And do what?" Minako scoffed. "I'm needed here."

Artemis hopped off and blocked her path, holding his paws out. "The world needs you Mina! The fate of Earth might fall into the Sailor Guardians' hands. Not to mention, we have to find the princess of Silver Millennium and the Silver Crystal."

Minako hung her head, her blonde hair creating curtains to hide her face. "Are you even sure there's a princess?"

"I have no reason to lie to you, everything I've told you has been true so far." Artemis reasoned with her. "The Silver Crystal could be the key to fixing all this. The world could go back to normal. Have hope Mina."

Minako sighed. "I guess you're right." She stopped down to pick Artemis back into her arms and continued on her way.


Ami and Rei searched West City for any kind of computer parts. Even if they were broken, Ami was sure she could fix it.

They stepped foot into an old and abandoned office building, the sound of their heels echoed against the dilapidated walls.

"I'll go upstairs and search and you can stay here and search." Ami informed Rei. "That way, we can cover more ground."

Rei nods in compliance, heading off in a different direction as Ami used her super jump— an ability gifted to Sailor Guardians— to get to the second floor.

Ami scanned the area with her eyes, finding many computers that were once used for work scattered around the room. Some had fallen off of desks or laid on their sides. Regardless, this would be more than enough materials.

As she walked further into the room, a bright light lit up the room adjacent to Ami. She could see it through the window of the door. Quickly, Ami ducked down and pressed to the wall.

On the other side, she could hear a feminine voice.

"Phase 2 is about to begin, Doctor."

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