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(Annabel) We all watched as my husband was taken away screaming, and shouting. He cursed and quoted his Holy Bible to each one of us, including the Chief. I have often wondered when he changed, when did the caring father and husband become the devil?

Even though he would quote the wrongs of fornication in his sermons, it was something he took great pleasure in at home, but with a selfishness and lack of self-control which, soon turned into something dirty and painful. I was brought out of my daze by the Chief clearing his throat..

"I will need you all to come down the station please, if you can give me an hour to process Garrett I can then ensure you he will be out of the way so none of you will have to see him, I have an ambulance on its don't look at me like that Annabel, you need a check-up and, that lip needs a stitch, you ain't half a stubborn woman Annabel Dawson".

.The Chief smiled kindly at me while we share a look, he was a kind man and I can feel the eyes of the boys on me, causing me to blush a little..

"Thank you, Chief Brady" I nod while offering a small smile, my lip stings and I can feel it wet with blood once again. Once he takes his leave, I turn to look at the three faces starin at me while I wait for their questions of what just went on, but before they get chance to ask the paramedic knocks and enters the lounge before askin everyone to leave...I sigh in relief, for the first time in many years I feel free, I no longer have to live in fear.. The Sinner was going to face his crimes. 

 (Colby) We sat in the kitchen around the large table waiting for Annabel to be checked, when I suggested that they pack what was needed, and they all move into the farm until the house was sold, I was engulfed in a tight hug, Jesse cried in my chest tellin me how thankful he was...

"Sweetheart, there's no way I could let your mom be on her own at a time like this, there's plenty for her to do on the farm to keep her mind and body busy. We'll let the Chief know once we get to the station"...I hear Luke make some kinda noise and we both look over to him..

"Am I the only one who's gonna acknowledge the way the Chief was with Mom? I think he likes in "Likes" her" 

At this I can't help but snigger, makin both boys scowl at me..Holdin both my hands in the air I say nothin more. If the Chief likes Annabel then good look to them both, she deserves some happiness after what she's been through but, I'll keep that to myself for the time bein! 

(Jesse) After Mom had her lip stitched we sat down and told her the plan, her and Luke would be livin with us for the time bein. Even though she was bruised and her healin was gonna take sometime I knew she'd be OK. After packin up, we headed on down to the station to have our statements taken, it was all a quick affair, but I couldn't help notice the closeness between Mom and Chief Brady. Not that she didn't deserve happiness but I wanted her to heal first and make sure she was truly ready for somethin else. I saw him speakin with Colby before shakin his hand, my cowboy winked at me as he led us all back to the packed truck. Finally I felt like we were all going home and, things were gonna be alright. 

That evenin was an emotional one, Mom insisted she help Cass make an evenin meal for everyone, while little Cand sat on the side lovin the attention she was gettin from my Mom. After we ate and Cand was in bed we all sat down to discuss our livin arrangements. It was decided that for this week, Mom would have the room that belonged to the Slade's parents while we prepared the little annex that was joined onto the farm. It was a small unused lean on cottage, it  needed a little work but it would be perfect for Mom,  once it was completed Mom would have her own space, but could join us for meals or pop around when she liked. 

After everyone made a move to go to bed, it had been a long day but I couldn't sleep, Mom made us both a cocoa each as we sat in front of the fire talkin, I asked questions and she answered them honestly. 

Mom told me the Chief had said Dad would be put away for some time, with all of our statements and Luke bein a minor the judge would not go easy on him not to mention his role as a Preacher, I hoped he rot wherever he was put...talkin of the Chief...

"So, you can tell me to mind my own business but Chief Brady eh? He made it quite obvious he has some feelins for you?"...I could see Moms cheeks flush in the fire's where I got my blushin from! Mom made a sigh and looked at me with a small smile....

"Well, we go long back, way before your Dad and me, infact we dated a couple of times after school, but, I met your father and Henry..the Chief...well Henry met his late wife. After Charlotte passed, your Dad would not allow me to speak with him, he was a possessive man. No matter what I said or did he still believed I was seein Henry on the sly. If Henry had known what your father was doin to us all, he'd have been arrested long ago!" My Mom takes my hand in hers while lookin at me...

"I'm real glad you have Colby honey, he's good for you, and anyone can see that. One day, when I'm all better and healed I'm hopin I can have something like you do. I want to be happy and have a life I know a deserve, it seems like a life time ago I was happy sweetheart, the only thing that kept me goin was my boys. I'm not gonna rush into anything either before that mind of yours goes thinkin things" At this I cant help but offer a small laugh, she knows my and Luke will be extra protective of her now!

"We want nothing more for you Mom, you really do deserve laughter and love, and I know its gonna take some time but I have a good feelin about a certain Mr Brady" Giving her shoulder a little knudge I cant help but laugh at how red her cheeks are. Swattin my arm while laughin she  tells me to shush! 

"Lets go to bed Mom, it might be the weekend tomorrow, but there's still the animals, we can also start with the annex" Lookin at Mom I can finally see it in her eyes "Hope" her eyes hold hope for her future, and if I have anything to do with it, it will be a beautiful one with a certain Chief.....

The Sins of Cowboy Colby SladeWhere stories live. Discover now