Son of a Preacher Man

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How had I never seen that fine ass of a man before? As his truck drove off, I hope and prayed, but this time though I prayed that Colby Slade didn't get fuckin laid tonight!

I'd known I was different from other kids at an early age, then when I started high school and everyone was dating girls, I looked from afar at the guys, watching the way their ass moved and how taught their thighs were.

It was my dirty little sin, until my Mom caught me jerking off to male porn in my room. I can laugh about it now, but fuck was it embarrassing at the time, we didn't speak of it for nearly a month then, one day Father went to preach over at another town, and she called me downstairs...

"Son, we need to talk about what happened while we're alone, you know your Father will never accept this? It's a sin in the eyes of him and the bible "Man should not lie with man"

I looked at my Mom as she quoted Leviticus 18:22 from the bible, I'd read over and over again when trying to get the "Gay" out of me until I'd realised it was just who I was but fuck it, the bible also spoke of love, fuck Jesus even helped the Roman centurion when he asked for his help because his servant was ill, everyone knows it was his lover! Looking over to my Mom and grabbed both her smaller hands in mine...

"Mom, I love you very much, but I can't change who I am, I know Father will never accept it or me, but this is who I am"

My Mom grabbed me in a hug, uttering words of love and comfort, it was something she often did when Father was not around, he was a strict man and had strange rules and ideas of how children should be raised, if you did not abide by the rules of the Preacher or the Lord you would feel his belt, I'd felt that belt far too many times and now I'd learnt to bight my tongue, hell I'd even seen my Mom cover the odd bruise here and there so no one would suspect the "perfect family" wasn't so fuckin perfect, but one day real soon he'd feel all my pent-up anger, it was just a matter of time, and he would pay for "his" sins!

Mom and I spoke all that afternoon, she'd told me I could confide in her anytime I needed, I also told her the same and at this she sobbed her heart out while I held her, that day we had a deeper bond and love that just I, her and Luke shared...Preacher Garrett could go fuck himself!

That evening once we had all eaten, I helped Mom clear away, then I excused myself after bidding them both good night. I'd decided a cold shower was needed, I couldn't get that muscly cowboy out of my head, the way his tight dress pants clung to his thighs...arrrggg I was driving myself fuckin crazy! Grabbing my sleep shorts, I set them down in the bathroom before stripping out of my clothes, as I stare at myself in the mirror I look over my toned body. I made sure to keep myself in shape, I ran every morning early before my chores, I also had weights in my room that I used every day, living with my Father it was good for not just my body but my mind. I was not a vain man but, I knew I looked good and, the way Colby had stared at my body earlier stirred something in me I'd never felt before.

Climbing in the shower, I lathered myself in the gel Mom bought for me, it was a Hugo Boss set she'd bought me for my birthday, it smelt of apple, grapefruit and basil and I loved it. Looking down at my hard cock, I put a generous amount of the gel in my palm and start to stroke myself while thinking about my cowboy and what he looked like under those tight clothes, my strokes got quicker and firmer and, before I knew, I'd cum all over the shower wall! Holding myself steady against the tiled wall, I got my breathing under control then, cleaned myself and the shower down. 

I hoped I'd last longer than this when the time came to losing my Virginity, because one thing was certain...I'd got my sights set on doing just that with a certain sexy as fuck cowboy! 

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