Gettin wet!

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As I roll over in bed, it takes my a second or two to remember last night...I lost my everything last night to the cowboy god "Colby Slade". I lay in the empty bed with a fuck off grin on my face, it could not have been any better, it was beautiful, and I was more in love with my cowboy than ever, this made me a little bit nervous, was it mutual or was I just another fuck?

Deciding to not dwell too much on it for now, I slowly slide out of bed, cringin at how sore my fuckin ass is, I hobble over to the bathroom to get myself ready before gonna go find somethin to eat and my cowboy!Enterin the kitchen, 4 sets of beady eyes shoot over to me. Luke and Clay are whisperin but both their faces held trouble, while Cass had a smirk and her eyebrows arched..

"Sleep well Jesse?" She asks a little too sing song'y for my likin..Rasin my own brows I look to see the boys sniggerin..

"Slept fine thanks, where's Col?" I ask while takin my seat next to Cand who's the only one not lookin at me weird!

"We had floodin durin the night, he left early to check on the cattle, should be back any time. Missin him already?" She laughs while both boys chuckle...the little shits!

I grab some of the food on the table, makin a note to set my alarm tomorrow to help prepare everything. Were all eatin when the door opens, one very wet and sexy cowboy walks in. Even in all his wet outdoor wear, he's one handsome motherfucker. Feelin my gaze he turns around and our eyes meet. Feelin my cheeks blush slightly, we both cant tare our gazes away from each other...well that is until someone clears their throat. We both jump slightly and Colby rolls his eyes looking at the culprit..Clay!

"You gonna sit down and eat Col? Preferably not Jesse" He chuckles makin everyone else snigger except Cand, she's oblivious to the innuendo's and is quite happy to just see her big brother...

Takin a seat to my other side, Colby surprises not only me but everyone else when he leans in and sneaks a kiss. With that famous Slade smirk, he offers me a wink while I'm 100% certain my mouth is wide open and, I'm a blushin mess...again! I look up to see Cass lookin at us both with a smile on her face...

"Well, I never thought I'd see this day Colby Slade!"

 She was just as shocked as everyone else, Colby just grinned and held my hand under the table while helpin himself to food with the other hand!

"Col, is Jesse your boyfriend?"...I nearly get whiplash looking at little Cand who, is at that age where she doesn't think or give a flyin fuck what she says...I think my heart stops beatin as I turn to look at Col...

I don't remember feelin this alive, carefree and happy in such a long time, I can feel how tense Jess is at my side as he's waitin on my reply to my little sis, god love her, she sure takes after my Ma with her straight talkin! Smilin I lean in front of Jess and look my little sis in her eyes, while still holdin his hand...

"Im hopin so Cand, I guess it depends on if Jess wants me, and everyone that comes with me..what you say sweetheart? Wanna be my man?" Poker was never my game, and I'm sure my face now gave me away as I wait for his reply, this wasn't the way I wanted to do this but shit, I'd been put on the spot, and I wasn't gonna make excuses or play it cool, I wanted him to be mine and no others. I can feel everyone starin at Jess, even little Cand leans forward to look between the two of us! That's when I see it, his eyes are filled with tears that look ready to fall, I place my arm around his shoulder and pull him in to my body for some comfort..

"Hey look at me, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that or upset you, you mean way too much to me for that, we go at your pace OK?" I place a soft kiss on the end of his nose as he tries to gather himself..

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