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Angel wakes up, and she sees a nurse. She wonders if she is finally okay…she looks good, but then she remembers what happened, and her heart breaks all over again.

“Ah…you’re awake…you had me really worried, Angel.”, the nurse says softly, and she looks at the monitor. A small smile appears on her face as she sees that Angel’s vitals are all good.
“You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be fine.”

She looks for Tom and he is not there.

“Tom…?”, she whispers quietly. "Where is... my husband?"

Tom comes into the room and she can see his eyes are red from having cried so much. And he looks terrible…he looks completely worn out, tired, and defeated. He is trying so hard to look strong for his Angel…he wants to be who he was before...but the fear is clear to see now.

“I’m here, Angel….I’m here for you.”, he adds, trying to sound strong and comforting - to tell her it was going to be okay.

This is another thing that made her realise that Tom is in love with her.

"Tom...", she whispers softly, caressing his cheek.

As she caresses his cheek, he feels a tear roll down his cheek. He's not ashamed to be crying anymore - he is filled with pain and hurt. And for once, he isn't afraid to show it. He just wants to support his Angel right now, nothing else.
"Yes...I'm here, Angel..." , he whispers softly.
"We are going to be alright, I promise you...all we have to do is not give up..."

She wipes all his tears and she puts his head on her chest, caressing his braids.

He puts his own hands up to her cheek and caresses her as well, looking into her eyes. He feels himself grow a little more calm, but at the same time his heart feels so heavy. This has been the worst day of his life…seeing her like this breaks the very soul in his body. "Let's not cry anymore, okay?", he whispers gently. "We're going to be alright. We just need to hold on. We must hold on...", he whispers softly, hoping he is able to bring her some comfort.

"You really cried for me, don't you?", she whispers, teasing him.

She laughs a bit.

This unexpected moment of levity brings a small smile to his face. He whispers back.
"Yes...", he answers with a small smile of his own.
"Yes, I have. You have no idea how much..."
He looks into her eyes, and he means every word.
"You are my life, Angel. And I cannot stand the thought of not being with you. So yes, I did cry today. That’s how you made me feel.", he whispers, teasing back a little.

"Don't cry for me, dummy. You make me cry, idiot.", she says, laughing a bit.

The tease makes him smile and his heart lifts slightly, his eyes filling with a little bit of joy. He gives her a small kiss on the head, whispering.
"You're so silly... I'm happy that I can make you laugh, even after something like this. You're so brave...you're so incredibly strong, and I'm just so lucky that I married you. I'm so lucky that I get to be with you."

"Awwww, you're so sweet!", she says, smiling.
"But you're a still a idiot.", she says, teasing him.

*This time, he chuckles, and even lets out a little snort as he smiles.
"You know, I can't even argue with that. I really love you...I love you so much."
He gives her a hug, feeling so full of love for her at this very moment.
"I will never ever let anything happen to you again. I promise."

She smiles.

"You love me, don't you?", she says, teasing him.

"More than anything in the whole world.", he says, and he means it. He has never loved anyone more than he loves her.
"I will never love anyone the way I love you...you're my life, my joy, my everything.", he says, whispering in her ear.
"I will always love you, Angel...I will never stop."

"You know, your actions made me love you more than I did when we got married.", she says, smiling.

"I'm still confused but I promise that one day I will love you with all my heart.", she says, caressing his cheek.

His heart is filled with joy as she says those words, and he smiles as he leans in to kiss her.
"Thank you, Angel...Thank you so much. I love you more and more every day."
"I promise that I will spend my whole life making sure that you are happy...that you feel loved and that you know just how amazing you are."

"And I promise that one day I will love you in the same way that you love me."

But she realised. A girl like her is slowly feeling in love with a player boy like him. She can see that he changed, but she is still confused.

"I cannot wait.", he whispers.
"But no matter what, nothing and no one will be able to break us apart, right? You and I are going to be together forever.", he whispers softly, and he means everything he just said. He wants to spend his whole life with her, just like this - in love, in happiness, in pure joy.

She nods.

"I promise that I will stay with you and only with you."

And she means it. She will stay with him forever.

"Thank you, Angel.", he whispers, and he cannot help but feel so much joy as he looks into her eyes, his own eyes tearing up at the thought of just how much he loves her. She is his rock, and he cannot be more grateful.
"I will always love you, always be here for you and I promise that I will never leave you.", he whispers softly.
"You are my everything."

She smiles and blushes a bit.

"You make my heart melt, boy. What are you doing to me?"

And she means it. She is melting because of his words. She is feeling in love with him, slowly but she does.

He notices the blush on her face and can't help but smile. In all of this bad, all of this hurt, seeing her blush like this...it makes it worthwhile. It makes it worth it to know that he can still make her feel that way, even after she had an accident.
"Just trying to tell you how amazing you are. This is my way of showing you how much you mean to me."

"Well if you keep it like this I will feel in love with you quickly."

She smiles and she is thinking about their future. Maybe this marriage will work...

He can't help but laugh, and he gives her the warmest smile he can give.
"Really?", he asks, and he laughs a little. It makes him so happy to think that she might love him.
"Well in that case, I'm going to keep it up then." "You're an amazing woman, Angel...and I will never stop trying to make you feel just that."

"And I'm starting to think that you're an amazing man.", she says and she chuckles.

"Starting to?", he asks, teasing her.
"Does that mean you're just not convinced yet? It's alright, I'll work harder to make you change your mind.", he says and he kisses her cheek once more. "Let me tell you a little secret.", he whispers.
"I'm already in love with you."

"You make me feel happy. And you will always be.", she says, smiling.

Dangerously Yours.- Tom Kaulitz.Where stories live. Discover now