P.P.S. Bride's dress

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Winter flew by with fittings, trials, invitations, coordination, and other pleasant and not-so-pleasant tasks. Spring arrived unnoticed, inexorably bringing the wedding day closer. Almost every evening, Naruto-kun had dinner with us, taking on more wedding organization responsibilities than I did.

He planned a bachelor party on a trip to the Land of Waterfalls. I think he wanted to meet up with Sasuke-kun. I decided to invite the girls to the hot springs, combining the pleasant with the useful.

"Hinata, you're such a lucky girl," Ino murmured, lying in the hot spring water with a nourishing mask on her face. "And so modest. You never tell us anything!"

"Well, there's nothing much to tell, Ino-san," I teased, glad that the mask concealed the blush that fills my cheeks every time I think about that evening.

"Sakura, you should get something out of her!" Ino exclaimed.

"Huh? Oh, alright," Sakura stammered. Ever since she returned from her meeting with Sasuke-kun, she's been quite absentminded.

The day went very well. We had facials, manicures, cried during massages where every bone in our bodies was kneaded. In the evening, we enjoyed refreshing tea.

"Hinata," Temari cracked open the door to my room as I was getting ready for bed.

"Temari-san? Is everything okay?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"Yes," she entered, carrying a small package in her hands. "I want to give you an early gift."

"Oh! Why not at the wedding? And besides, you don't have to give us anything from yourself, Temari-san. We'll be happy with a gift from the Kazekage," I replied, feeling a bit flustered.

"No, no. And let's drop the formalities, we've come so far together!" She smiled and approached me. "This is a special gift. You see, in my country, there's a tradition among women. For the wedding, the mother, sister, or friend usually gives the bride a dress. Not the one for the ceremony, the bride takes care of that herself. This is a nightgown, and it's much more important, you understand?" She winked, and I realized my cheeks were already crimson.

"Oh, it seems like you understand. I'll just leave this here, alright? I know it will bring happiness," she smiled, disappearing behind the door.

Hesitantly, I approached the bundle, unfolded it, and was taken aback. A pristine white nightgown made of delicate lace, light and beautiful, but it wouldn't really conceal anything! How would I wear this? In horror, I wrapped the package back up and tucked the gift to the bottom of my bag.

The wedding day went as expected: emotional, nerve-wracking, and utterly exhausting. Naruto-kun, looking solemn and unfamiliar in his formal kimono, appeared dignified. And every time our eyes met, he would smile. And every time I glanced at him, I tried to adjust to the idea that he was now my husband. That notion tickled something inside, caused a tingle in my nose, and even conjured wings on my back!

As the meteorologists had promised, it was a splendid day with cloudless weather, pleasantly warm, and the blooming cherry blossoms adorned the day perfectly.

Shikamaru-kun held Temari-san's hand. It seemed their exchanged glances during the barbecue had developed into something more. Ino-san and Sai-kun were also hand in hand. Sakura, once absentminded, transformed into a dreamy and elated state. The guests reveled, laughed, made jokes, imbibed, and indulged in the feast.

The bride and groom were expected to stay at the banquet until the last guest, and nobody wanted to leave. Thus, Naruto-kun and I finally arrived at our own home as the sky began to brighten.

On the very first step, I stumbled, tripping on the hem of my kimono.

"Hug me," my husband whispered. I embraced his strong neck and rested my head on his chest. He lifted me up, carrying me across the threshold. And he escorted me all the way to our bedroom.

As soon as he set me down on my feet, weariness dissipated, replaced by fear and uncertainty.

"I think we've had enough adventures for today. I'll probably sleep in the guest room," he scratched his head.

"Naruto-kun," I called out. "Please untie my obi."

"Oh, yes, of course," he realized. He fumbled for a while, seemingly an eternity. Finally, after managing to do it, he turned me around, whispered "goodnight" against my lips, and departed.

I took off the kimono. I stepped into the shower. Perhaps he was right; we've had enough adventures, and our entire life lies ahead.

Stepping out of the shower, I reached for my pajamas, and my memory was jogged about Temari's gift.

Delicate, transparent lace.

I discarded my pajamas and retrieved the "bridal gown." As I had expected, it barely concealed anything and served more as a beautiful wrapping than actual clothing.

Footsteps of Naruto-kun approached behind the door. I slowly walked towards it, took a final breath, and abruptly opened it.

Water dripped from Naruto-kun's wet hair onto his bare shoulders. He was only wearing pajama pants. He stopped, rooted to the spot, staring at me intently.

A moment of silence stretched out, feeling like an eternity.

And then he lifted me in his arms, carried me into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Within seconds, I felt the searing coldness of the sheets, the scorching heat of his touch on my skin and lips. I experienced pain and all-consuming pleasure, delved into both hell and paradise, lost and found myself. I experienced and gave love, surrendering completely. I reached the pinnacle of bliss and immersed myself in the ocean of love, falling asleep on my husband's shoulder. I was always by his side. And I always will be.

I opened my eyes and stretched sweetly. What awonderful dream! I turned my head and looked at my husband. His mouth slightlyajar, light lashes fluttering, a soft flush of sleep on his cheeks. And whatdoes it matter what dream he had when reality surpasses any dream?

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