Chapter 5. Red scarf

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At home, Hanabi awaited my arrival.

"Where have you been?" she exclaimed from the doorway. "Admit it, you were out with him, weren't you?"

I quietly made my way to my room.

"Well, Hinata!" my sister exclaimed.

"Yes," I curtly responded, although it was futile because it only prompted her to squeal, shriek, and dance around me.

"Where did you go? Did he confess his love to you? Did you kiss? When are you getting married?" My little sister hopped around like a wild monkey.

"Hanabi!" I blushed from ear to ear and halted in the middle of the hallway. "Stop that. We went to Ichiraku."

"Ichiraku?" she grimaced as if she had seen a dead mouse. "Couldn't you find a better place for a date?"

"It wasn't a date," I replied, but I immediately realized I was lying. It had been the most wonderful date ever!

"Why are you so happy then?" Hanabi approached, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, that's enough!" I snapped as I entered my room.

"Are you going to finish knitting the scarf?" Hanabi darted forward and hopped onto the bed. "The red one. The one you were knitting before you followed me," she stated, smoothing the wrinkles on the sheets thoughtfully.

Poor girl, she must still be in shock.

"Hanabi," I whispered as I approached her.

"Tie it up!" She looked into my eyes with a cheerful smile. "And make sure to give it to him! And don't give me that look! Alright, that's it, I have things to do!" She jumped off the bed and ran off.

I gazed after her, a courageous little girl who had endured her worst nightmare. And it was all because of my own foolishness and lack of responsibility. I couldn't protect her. I wasn't strong or brave enough, as her older sister should have been. But no more, I would change! I would be courageous and begin right now. My wise little sister was right: I needed to complete the scarf and confess to him already. Regardless of his response, I had to stop waiting!

I checked my supply of red thread, realizing I didn't have enough. There was only a small amount left from last time, so I would need to buy more. Glancing at my watch, I saw that the store would remain open for another half hour. I had to hurry if I wanted to start today.

I rushed to the store just before closing time and purchased an ample supply of wool. It would be a luxurious scarf, long and warm, keeping Naruto-kun cozy for a long time! I hugged the bag of wool tightly as I made my way home, reflecting on the events of the day. From a nearby street, I could faintly hear his voice. Ah, I could already envision the sound of it!

"Can you believe it, Sakura-chan?" Naruto-kun laughed.


I turned my head just as Sakura playfully punched Naruto on the shoulder, her smile sheepish. They walked by without noticing me, engrossed in their conversation. Sakura laughed at his jokes, and Naruto-kun looked at her with enthusiasm, attentiveness, and care. Just as he had never looked at me today, or ever before...

The package nearly slipped from my hands, rustling loudly. Fearing that I would draw attention, I tightened my grip on the paper bags and hurried in the opposite direction, struggling to hold back bitter tears. How foolish! What a silly idiot I had been! I had been dreaming, what did I even think? He had only invited me out for ramen out of boredom because everyone else had turned him down!

And why had I even entertained the thought that there could be something between us? He had always loved only her, always speaking of her: "Sakura-chan this, Sakura-chan that!"

I don't recall how I managed to make it home. Trying not to disturb anyone, I quietly slipped into my room and secured the door with a bolt. Moving on stiff legs, I made my way to a table by the window where knitting needles and remnants of red wool were already lying. Without looking, I placed the package there, attempting to avoid any noise. I removed my jacket, and it silently dropped to the floor.

How weary I am. Weary from this pain, from the perpetual hope! Why do I construct these towering, fantastical castles in my mind? Only to fall from the highest tower and shatter, breaking every bone? For what purpose?

They were always together, enduring so much side by side that it's difficult to fathom. They share far more in common, making them the perfect couple.

The perfect couple.

I took a deep breath, wiping away my tears. I picked up the jacket from the floor, carefully draping it over the back of a chair, and settled down at the table. Switching on the lamp, I unwrapped the bag of wool, took up the needles, and began to knit. I will knit this scarf. It will serve as a fine gift. Perhaps even for their wedding.

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