Chapter 3. The Gala Evening

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Time flew by swiftly, much like a shuriken, and Friday evening was steadily approaching. From experiencing panic to the point of a heart attack on Tuesday, I transitioned from praying and bargaining with myself on Wednesday to sinking into a state of depression on Thursday. By the time Friday arrived, apathy had taken hold of me, leaving me prepared for any outcome in a meticulously clean house adorned with extravagantly luxurious dishes on the table. Though, deep down, I secretly hoped for everything to go awry.

At the designated time, Hanabi and I stood by the front door, eagerly awaiting the arrival of our guests. True to her style, my sister donned a yellow kimono, adorned with large, pale red chrysanthemums. In contrast, I chose a modest pale pink kimono adorned with purple lotuses, understanding the importance of presenting oneself appropriately during official events.

As the clock struck six, a bell chimed at the gate, accompanied by approaching voices and laughter, followed by a gentle knock on the door. Inhale, exhale. I can handle this!

"Welcome!" Hanabi sang, graciously ushering everyone into the house.

Sakura radiated with brightness and joy, donning a light green dress that beautifully complemented her eyes.

"Hinata, you look wonderful!" she exclaimed, handing me a box of sweets.

"Thank you, Sakura," I responded softly, avoiding direct eye contact with those who crossed the threshold. Yet, deep within, I knew that someday I would have to face this challenge head-on. Come on, pull yourself together! You can do this!

Just as I immersed myself in these thoughts, Shikamaru's voice interrupted my self-training. "Hinata, I need to send a message to the Sixth. Do you have a phone?" After the war, communication lines had finally extended throughout Konoha.

"Yes, certainly. It's just down the hall," I replied, indicating the right direction for Shikamaru, catching a fleeting glimpse of his familiar orange jacket in my peripheral vision.

He had arrived. He was here. In my house.

The heart skipped a beat. And then another.

I can do this. I can handle it!

Summoning all my strength, I let out a sigh and lifted my gaze to meet his.

But... he didn't look at me. Instead, he absentmindedly scratched the back of his head, engrossed in Sai's conversation.

"Sister, what's on your mind?" Hanabi asked softly, tugging at my sleeve.

I gave her a stern look, yet inside, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Her subtle, teasing remark helped restore my composure.

We guided our guests through the house, showcasing the ancient vases, manuscripts, and other artifacts belonging to the Hyuuga lineage. Eventually, we led them to the dining table. Throughout, I made a conscious effort to avoid looking at him, afraid of the intensity that might ensue. The pain of not receiving his gaze was too much to bear.

Contrary to my apprehensions, the evening unfolded seamlessly. Sai sat opposite my father, maintaining a respectful demeanor that harmonized effortlessly with the decorum of the Hyuuga household. Sakura, seated between Naruto-kun and Hanabi, adeptly navigated my sister's inquisitive nature, gracefully deflecting her barrage of questions throughout the night. Meanwhile, Naruto-kun's father insisted that Shikamaru occupy the seat beside him, engaging him in a conversation about his duties at the Sixth's headquarters. As for Naruto-kun, he sat directly across from me, and it took immense strength not to lock eyes with him.

"Hinata, your house is absolutely beautiful! It feels like a museum," Sakura exclaimed with awe.

"Sakura, you haven't even seen our kimono collection yet!" my sister proudly boasted.

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