Charlie showing Nick his scars

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Hey guysss i'm back, this is loosely based off couple of different scenes/moments i've read/watched about characters finding out about a person's sh scars. Hope you enjoy.

TW: fainting, BD, SH, scars and slight mention of ED


Charlie's POV:

Today's the first rugby training session since we've gotten back to school. It's also the first day of rugby since everything has happened with my anorexia and self-harm. God, I still remember how Nick's face fell the second the words left my lips that day, but I think he was also relieved that I'm beginning to feel comfortable enough to be honest and open with him. I honestly feel a lot lighter as well, like an elephant's foot has take some of the pressure off of my chest. It's definitely been getting easier and my progress is starting to show both inside and out. Nick is constantly reminding me how proud he is of me and letting me know he is here if I need him. I will never understand how I got so lucky to have him in my life. 

I come out of one of the shower stalls ready in my rugby uniform; shoes, sock, shorts, shirt, jumper. I can already see a few of the lads staring, not because of everything but because I'm the only one wearing a jumper, and it seems a bit ridiculous to do so on such a hot day. One of the things to have come from all this was my insecurities on how i look, however it is improving. However, everyone looks away the second Nick catches on. God, I love this boy.

"You okay, Char?" he whispers to me as he throws on his shirt, I nod "Aren't you a bit hot with the jumper on?"

"Nope, I'm always cold you know." I reply. He gives me a look of concern but doesn't push, worried he may upset me, besides we need to begin making our way to the field.

Nick doesn't know that my scars are located at my shirt sleeves and though I'm sweating and he can clearly tell I'm lying, I'm not willing to risk people seeing them and make comments on them. But the second we reach the field, I begin to feel the sun's bite. I can already feel myself burning up and Nick sees this but I push through all the same. We begin to play.

<Time skip>

We're halfway through the second half and I'm not doing so well, I feel just as drained as I did that day in Paris. I want take this jumper off but my intrusive thoughts are telling me that I'll regret that . Somehow I manage to score a try, Nick runs over to me at the try line, picking up and spinning me around which I appreciate his enthusiasm for me but is not making me feel any better. He puts me down and notices this.

"Sorry, are you all,? You look really pale." he concernly says.

I nod, as we begin walking back to the team, I fall to my knees. Nick immediately gets down to my level, placing a hand on my forehead, he gasps "Charlie, you're burning up!" and at that mention my vision goes black.

Nick's POV:

"Charlie?! CHARLIE!?" 

Charlie suddenly falls into my chest, he's passed out. I don't understand what's happened. He's been doing so well with everything, he's been clean for months and he ate lunch not that long ago. He couldn't have possibly relapsed. But maybe that's why he still has his jumper on. Suddenly I feel Charlie begin to wake.

"Ni-ck?" he says

I sigh in relief, "Char, what happened? Are you okay? You just passed out." I immediately realized I've probably given him too much information to digest all at once, so I just give him my water bottle and he takes small sips, still processing everything. Coach Singh allows for Charlie and I to take the rest of training off, I help him up and walk together to the change rooms. I begin to get changed back into my regular uniform but Charlie's just sitting there, staring off into space. I call his name a couple of times. No response. I stop what I'm doing and sit in front of him, his ocean eyes finally meeting mine.

"Sorry" he mutters under his breath, just enough for me to hear him.

"Hey it's okay, you have nothing to apologize for," I assure him.

"But I'm worrying you, aren't I?"

I take a breath, "You still don't need to apologize Char. I'm just-" I try to think of the right words to use, I take his hand, "I'm always going to worry about you. I love you and I just want to make sure you are okay. You've been doing amazing in your recovery and I's so proud of you for that. But you've just passed out and I may be overreacting but i want to no, I need to make sure you alright."

He looks to the floor, something definitely up, "This may seem a bit confronting Charlie but I have to ask," I say and he instantly looks up at me. "Have you had a relapse? Or stopped eating ? Or are you just over heated?"

"No," he replies instantly, "just overheated."

I let out a breath , I didn't realize I had been holding. 

"I just-" he begins, I squeeze his hands a little to let  him know I'm listening and to take his time.

"If I take my jumper off, everyone will see my scars." he says, "I know that seems dumb but my mind tells me that if people see them that they'll say things and I don't want to go through that again."

He's on the verge of tears, I get to my knees and hug him. All I want to keep my boy safe and comfortable, sometimes I feel I can['t help him but mum says the best thing I can do for Charlie is just be there, through thick and thin and that's what I'm going to do.

"I'm sorry Char , I had no idea." I say, "If you want I can leave so you can get changed, we can go back to mine and play Mario Kart, would that help?"

He sniffles and nods with a smile.

"There's that gorgeous smile." I say, kissing his forehead.

I finished getting changed and like I said I would, I go to leave but Charlie grabs my hand.

"You can just turn around you know," he says, "just, please stay"

I smile to myself and hug him before turning around. I think he is about halfway getting changed until he says my name.

"Sorry, did you need me to leave?" I ask, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

To my shock he asks "Can you turn around please?" 

I know he isn't done changing because it usually takes him longer than this, "Are you sure?" I ask. I feel his arm reach my shoulder and turn me to face him. I look up at him, he is wearing half of our normal uniform and his rugby top, revealing his scars. this is the first time I'm seeing them, the physical evidence of every battle he has been facing with himself and I have never been prouder of him.

"You are so handsome, you know?" I say on the verge of tears, he's crying as well.

He takes my hand and moves it to allow my finger to graze over a set of white lines running across the width of his arm, this is a very emotional moment for us. I hug him and we stay like this for a while before he finishes getting changed.

"I love you, Nick" he says,

"I love you too Char and I'm so proud of you."

I kiss him and then we head out.

Charlie's POV:

I cannot believe I just did that, I don't even know how that just happened. I just felt really courageous and went for it. How did I get so lucky to have Nick by my side? Today was a big day in my progress on the road to my recovery. I showed someone my scars, let him feel them and he saw me no differently.

A/N literal walking green flag, someone find me a partner like Nick Nelson plsss

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