Proposal Pt 2

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TW/CW: mentions of eating disorder, self harm and homophobia (slight sex mention)

Continuation from Proposal Pt 1. Quick recap: Nick and Charlie are both planning on proposing to each other tonight, they have asked for the Paris squad to help them however they have set up for a double proposal. Nick and Charlie have just left their dorm. This part will be majority of the lead up to the proposal, part 3 will be the actual proposal.


Nick's POV:

I've just told Tara that we've left, the plan was official in motion. The first part of the plan was a movie session, there's this new movie that me and Charlie have been dying to see. As we pull into the parking lot, Charlie grabs his things and I stare at him smiling. He notices "What?" "God I love you so much" I say, he starts blushing and looks away "Stop staring at me with those adorable puppy eyes." I pull him towards me and kiss him. He pulls away, "Alright let's go or we're gonna miss the movie." he says.

Usually I would've said to skip the movie and just make out for the next two hours but I had to keep focus. When we get into the cinema, Charlie stays in line to get the tickets and popcorn while I go to the bathroom. I look around to make sure Charlie wasn't around before pulling a little box out of my pocket and opening it to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. When I look at it I begin to cry slightly, I could already see our future so vividly in my head I but the ring away and met Charlie at our seats,  I splashed my face with water before I left so it didn't look like I'd been crying.

Charlie's POV:

Throughout the entire movie I was calm and relaxed for once, at first my mind was racing with thoughts. What if he says no? Would he break up with me? I don't want a life without Nick in it? What if he thinks it's too soon? What if he thinks we're too young? These thoughts disappear when Nick grabs my hand. We smile at each other before continuing to watch the movie, it reminds me of the first time we went to the movies together with Nick's mates. It was a horror film, he jumped grabbing my hand and I let go thinking he still didn't want to come out but he grabbed it again when his mates weren't looking.

I had a couple of pieces of the popcorn Nick asked for so we could share. Next part of the plan was a picnic lunch I'd asked Tori and Ollie to set up for us, it contained both of our favourite foods. It was set up at our spot in the park behind on of the big logs, it gave us some privacy but also made our relationship feel like more of a reality when we were younger. Whilst we ate, feeding each other certain foods we talked about many things specifically where we would move to once Nick finished his degree, he had one year left and though it made me anxious knowing I'd be at school alone again I knew Nick would always be there.

Nick's POV:

Today is going so well, we were just finishing off our picnic, when planning this I made sure that Tori and Ollie included foods Charlie wouldn't struggle to eat, even though he's been getting better we all knew that his ED wasn't gone. After the picnic, we walked around the park to the milkshake cafe it amazed me how so much has changed and how little things have changed at the same time. It had been 5 years and we were still together, we'd pulled through every homophobic comment, every one of Charlie's relapses, every stupid argument we'd ever had. The Paris squad said it was impossible for us to not be together because we were 'Nick and Charlie', I didn't understand what that meant until I knew Charlie was my soulmate.

Sitting down at the milkshake cafe reminded me of our triple date with Tara, Darcy, Tao and Elle, we were only out to the girls at the time, only just coming out to Elle that day. We were originally going to split our second shake but Tao reminded us about the concert and never got the chance. Until today of course, we ordered a chocolate milkshake Charlie had brought that day, sat across from one another and split it, Charlie stopped drinking "Next time we come here, we got to bring the girls and Tao." he said. I agreed, it felt like centuries since we did this the first time. We'd ordered a second drink but Charlie didn't want anymore so I poured the little bit that was left down my throat.

Charlie's POV:

Nick placed the glass down and I couldn't help but laugh. "What?" he said with a confused face, "You got a milk-stache," I giggled, he looked at me with a little annoyance "Here let me." I said I moved the seat next to him but before I could wipe his face he pulled me in for a kiss as I pulled away I'd realised what he'd done. He smirked and laughed "Now you have one too." We wipe our faces, Nick gets hotter and hotter each time he grows his facial hair out and he knew I felt that way about it. Nick goes somewhere to take a phone call from his mate. I quickly inspect the engagement ring I'd bought Nick, this was something I knew we both wanted but apart of me was still nervous he'd say no. I put the ring away as Nick comes back over but worry washes all over his face, "Char, what's wrong?" he asks he can read me so well he always knew when something was wrong "I just-" I say "I can't imagine a life without you in it, Nick." He smiles at me, pretty sure I have tears in my eyes "Me neither and you won't ever have to." We kiss, I feel like I had gotten the reassurance I needed. "You ready to go to the beach?" he asks helping me up "Yeah" I say still sniffling.

<Time passes>

I wake up in the car, I must have slept the entire trip but I don't care and I don't think Nick cared either I know he likes to watch me sleep. It's currently 2, we don't have dinner reservations till 5 because I want to propose to Nick when the sun sets on our beach. Elle and the gang are planning to get amazing pictures of us. We walk around town, it's like a trip down memory lane, seeing the merry-go-round we went on the pier and taking photos in the cut outs. We finally managed to find the main thing we were looking for, the photo booth. We hadn't used it in so long, when we get inside I sit on Nick's lap and beginning taking photos it eventually turns into a full make out session. Nick notices the time and we almost miss our dinner reservations.

I'm not a big fan of restaurants but I wanted this proposal to be memorable, besides we just decide to order a pizza to split. We don't bother ordering dessert either, but I have plans in my head for dessert when we get back home as an engaged couple. Both our phones go off as we leave. It's Elle, letting me know everything's ready, I tell him it's just my mum checking in, Nick says it was his rugby coach ensuring he was ready for tomorrow's game (A/N really it's Tara giving Nick the same message). We walk along our beach as the sun begins to sit, we walk towards where I'm proposing, as we walk Nick asks "Do you remember the first time we were here?" I nod, curious to where this is going "You asked if we were officially boyfriends, and I did this!" he picks me bridal style and runs us along the water's edge before placing my feet back on the ground. We look at each with love in our eyes, I push the hair out of his face as he runs his hand down my face. We turn around to see the set up the squad has made.

3rd Person POV:

The gang is hiding but have cameras out read to photograph the greatest moment they had planned, Nick and Charlie make their way to the set up. It's so beautiful, red roses and candles are lined to form a circle as Nick requested, the gang had also set up a little mural of keepsakes that the pair had given to the gang such as some of Nick's jumpers, movie tickets and their first birthday gifts from each other. Charlie had also requested that Nick's cassette played during the proposal. Both men were holding hands with one hand and hiding their rings behind their backs with the other they faced each other, the sunset between them as they were both on the verge of tears, "There's something-" they started together, they giggled "There's something I wanna say." Nick said, "Me too," Charlie said, "I also have something for you." "Me too, Char."

"Do you wanna show it at the same time?" Charlie asked, Nick nodded "Together on 3?" Charlie nodded response. "1..2.." they counted "3!" They revealed to each other the open ring boxes and the identical engagement rings.

A/N CLIFFHANGER!! Sorry this part is over 1000 words long, I'll be starting the final part soon.

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