Proposal Pt 1

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TW/CW: mention of eating disorder, self harm, suicide attempts, assault, abuse, homophobia and sex (but nothing more)

Based on a Q&A question, I've also seen many videos of double proposals recently as well. This is set 2 years after Nick & Charlie, both attending the same university and living together on campus. Nick has 1 year left of uni (studying teaching, making him 21) and Charlie has 3 years (studying psychology, making him 20). I know it may seem pretty young to get engaged but it just feels right for these two. Will be in two or three parts, apologise if there is a delay.


Nick's POV:

I'm awoken by sunlight just shining through the curtains, I rub my eyes before looking down and seeing Charlie still out cold on me. I smile and stop moving, I don't want to wake him up he looks very relaxed and peaceful, which is great considering all that he's been through the past few years. How did I get so lucky? 5 years ago I had met my soulmate, although I didn't know it at the time, Charlie helped me realise that I was bisexual, he helped me to become the person I was today. 

He had done so many of the firsts in our relationship, our first kiss, first date, first to say 'I love you', first time having sex, he suggested we move in together and he was the first to give me a promise ring. I stare down at the ring, it was my turn to give Charlie one of our firsts, I was planning on proposing to Charlie tonight I had the whole Paris squad helping me out and Tori & Oliver as well, we had the perfect day set up. 

Charlie begins to wake up as I'm lost in thought, he stares up at me with the cheekiest grin on his face making his dimples more visible. God those adorable dimples. "Morning sleepyhead," I say messing with his curls "Nickkk!" Charlie says tiredly "You know not to mess with my hair." I smirk and kiss him passionately.

Charlie's POV:

Today I was really stressed out, I mean I'm generally a very stressed out individual but today I was double stressed. Nick and I have been dating for 5 years and I have finally decided to propose to him tonight. This is something we had talked about before, we both knew that at the end of the day this was it, me and him against the world. I had it all planned out, with help from the Paris squad including Tori & Oliver of course. We got ready, we showered and ate breakfast, which I ate relatively quickly; my eating disorder has been getting quite better over the years and I mainly have Nick to thank for that.

"I'm so proud of you." Nick said as he took my plate, to be honest I had a lot to thank him for. Nick has saved my life more times than I can count, he has saved me from abuse and assault, he took care of me when I relapsed, when I was having a bad day and pulled me away from suicide attempts. I couldn't imagine a life without Nick and I can't want to live without him in my life. "I love you so much Char," he says pecking my lips, "I love you too Nick."

Just as we leave the house I send a message to Elle, telling her that operation proposal was in session.

3rd Person POV (Paris Squad):

Elle receives a message from Charlie, the proposal was on. "Okay Charlie has messaged me saying they left." she says grinning, Tara then says "Got the same message from Nick." Darcy jumps on Tara's back as all of the Paris squad gathers together, "Look at us, meddling with the best joint proposal ever." This was a set up, the gang was very much away the boys were planning on proposing on the same day, so they decided to set up a joint proposal, it was so them. 

The gang planned the same activities for both of them, so it seemed like they were having the perfect date. The first was a movie that both boys really wanted to see, followed by a picnic lunch that Tori & Oliver had set up at the park, they would then go to the milkshake cafe before coming into town and reenacting their first date just the two of them, but told them to avoid the beach. They had also set up a small dinner reservation, Charlie usually hated restaurants but with his ED getting better and wanting this proposal to go perfectly he wanted to do this.

They finally would come down to their beach and propose to each other, the gang's only job was now getting their beach organised, they included ideas that both Nick & Charlie wanted to be apart of the proposal "Now the only question is who's gone ask first" Tao said, the gang laughed as they continued to set up the beach.

A/N Meddling friends, wait to write the actually date and proposal but I've got it all planned out in my head. So excited, will post the next part as soon as I can.

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