Chapter 27

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Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Nigeria, Kaduna State.
23rd August, 2019.

Zulekha wore a lanvin taupe wool cashmere dress. She sat in the balcony with her hands wrapped around her arms. It was a friday, She closed her eyes whilst enjoying the breeze that brushed through her body. Everything felt nostalgic.

For the past few days she has been trying to clear off her mind but it's too jumbled. Too muddled up to be unmuddle easily.

The story was unfinished, she didn't know what happened to Aminatu and inna. There's more, she should meet Baba about it.

A notification came from an unknown contact and Zulekha peered down at her phone.

"How are you my fluttering flower in the sky."

"Can you come out for a minute. I miss you."

Who could it be? It was just a week after her resumption. Ya Umar usually calls twice a day to check up on her. She didn't flinch from her position.

"Please." Another notification came and she heaved a sigh before dusting an invisible dust.

Zulekha met a sparkling white Mercedes Benz parked outside the hostel. She stood for few seconds and another notification came.

"Did you do something to my eyes? I can't seem to take them off you."

She chuckled inwardly. Perceiving the familiar cologne, she looked up and caught sight of Ya Umar.

Exhilarated, she said. "Ya Umar, when did you come?"

Ya Umar grinned softly and pinched the space between his eyes, he beheld her gaze.

"Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.

Zulekha gave him a bewildered look and chuckled lightly. "A nice pickup line. Have you accepted Mama's request, Practicing on how to approach her already?"

Ya Umar shook his head and grimaced. "No please, How have you been?" He opened the door and she settled in the passenger's seat.

"Alhamdulillah. You got a new Car?"

He ignited the car, "Yes, ice cream?"

"Nooo please."

Ya Umar slowed down and parked on the roadside. He focused on her. "What do you want then?" It came out softly.

Zulekha glanced at him, is this really her worst nightmare Ya Umar. What changed? Nothing changed except that he's still mourning his twin's death and he read your story. He pity you. Yes that's it.

"Hey what's wrong?" He waved his hands at her.

"Nothing, we can have Suya." She wound the glass down and took in a deep breath. Zulekha munched on the suya quietly whilst Ya Umar wandered around the city.

Ya Umar parked in front of the hostel. "When is your midsemester break?"

Zulekha grabbed a serviette and dabbed her lips. "Upper week."

"See you then." He pulled the door open. "I will pick you up."

"Thank you for today." She ambled towards the hostel.

"Zulekha." Ya Umar called out and she turned slowly, locking their eyes. Half a minute, he didn't say anything and Umar knew that eye contact is more intimate than words will ever be.

He gestured for her to come back and she did. "Oh look i forgot this." He handed her the Ivy lilac crochet flower bouquet.

A wide smile creeped up on her face, her eyes shimmering with a soft grin. "Ya Allah! Ya Umar." She looked up at him as her eyes closed momentarily for a second. "You just did what Ya Faruq would've done. Jazakallahu khairan."

"May Allah have mercy on him."

"Amin. I didn't know you were this nice."

Ya Umar chuckled softly. "Your worst nightmare huh?"

Zulekha threw her head back and laughed. "That was then. I see Ya Faruq in you now." Her eyes glistened with tears.

Ya Umar shook his head slowly, "you can cry it out. We can even go back into the car till you're done." He opened the backseat and Zulekha sat down quietly while he sat in the passenger seat.

He took in a deep breath "You know, for the past few days I've come to find out that it's hard to believe in things until you give them life. How kindness seems so unfamiliar until you're the one who's actively trying to be kind to others. How dreams seem far away until you do your research and try your best. How friends seem like a foreign concept until you start to ask people to lunch more often. The best things in life don't come find you as you sit and wait. You have to go out there and decide they exist."

"I'd give anything to be with Faruq one last time." He chuckled softly swiping away the tears. "But Memories are like a calendar, we can always look back, but we can never go back."

Zulekha didn't bother to wipe away the tears that were cascading down her face. Her cries were the only thing heard. She sniffed "You Know why tears are beautiful?" She asked when he passed her a hanky. He shook his head.

"Because they make a heavy heart feel light again. It's getting late, you should leave."

"You good now?"

A small tired smile graced her lips. "Very good. Thank you"

I love loveeeeee this where is going 🌚are you even thinking of what i ammmm thinkinggggg? Okayyyyy🤧

Drop down your thoughts please.


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