Chapter 16

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Nigeria, Kaduna State.
  1st July, 2019

It was a monday morning, it rained last night. It's still drizzling. The black fitted dress Zulekha was wearing gently hinted at the curves beneath. She flapped her hands and swirled around. She passed her post UTME and she can't wait for the admission list to be out.

During Breakfast, Ya Faruq congratulated her, Ya Ahmad also did. Ya Umar clearly looked uninterested. Always.

    "Don't get your hopes high, wait for admission list first." Mama blurted out, using the serviette to dab her mouth.

All of a sudden, Baba smiled triumphantly and shook his head. Later that evening, Uncle Ibrahim came with his Family except Amina that was still in school.

     "Zulekha, i heard the good news. Congratulations." Uncle Ibrahim said ruffling her hair. "Thank you Uncle." She replied enthusiastically.

Two days later.

    "You look moody these days, Are you sure you're okay?" Mama said to Ya Umar as Zulekha was clearing the table. He looks moody always Mama, Zulekha slightly scoffed.

Lovingly, Mama held his hands. "Talk to me." Always nice with her loved ones.

         "It's all about that his Girlfriend." Ya Ahmad blurted. "She's always making him angry." He chuckled outwardly and pulled the dining area chair, keeping it beside the sofa, he started playing his game.  

Worriedly, Mama looked at him. "Umar let this girl be. Will find you a very nice girl. Just look at Ibrahim's daughter, Aminatu." Mama sighed dreamily. "She's very beautiful and she's your cousin. Above all she has my name." Mama said encouragingly.

   Bad matchmaking Mama, Ya Umar is a bitch and Amina is an angel. Zulekha thought.

     "When your girlfriend makes u angry, look at her through the fork and pretend she's in jail. It heals you spiritually." Ya Ahmad blurted out again and Zulekha slightly let out a laugh.

       "What is so funny? You daughter of a witch." Mama said in so much rage.
      "And what's happening here?" Baba asked putting on his silver cufflinks. Ya Faruq was behind him with some files.

Mama came up with the best pitiful look she could. "Abu Ahmad." A name she usually calls Baba with. "It's Umar."

   "What about him?" He straightened his Kaftan.

Heaving a sigh, Mama said. "Told him to leave his girlfriend, she's just tiring him out." Mama let out a growl. "Just look at Aminatu, ibrahim's daughter, isn't she lovely?" She asked, staring at Baba.

    "Ya Ibrahim even named her after me." The excitement is back on Mama's face.

Baba took notice of Mama's enthusiasm and chuckled inwardly. "He told you that? Or you just concluded everything yourself. Trust everyone but not your brother."

      "Of course yes, who could he have named her after if not me?"

  Baba shook his head, "he must've done what he is best at doing. Fooling people."

There was an eerie silence in the living room. Zulekha was dusting off the tables now, Ya Ahmad was still playing his game quietly. Ya Umar and Ya Faruq seem so interested in the conversation.

Earnestly, Mama said.  "You're always throwing shades at my brother, you guys use to be best of friends." She ended up the sentence quietly. "I don't know what happened."

   "And you will never know." He turned to Umar, dropping the car keys for him. "Start the car."

    "Is there any Amina we should know apart from Mama." Ya Faruq said, unforeseen.

Without a word, Baba moved closer to him, collecting the files from him, he gestured for Ya Ahmad to come and he did.

     "Y'all should follow me, we're going out together." And they all left, leaving Mama with Zulekha that was still rooted there.

      "Drop a chair for me in the garden and cut some fruits, I'm coming." Mama commanded Zulekha.

Humming to a very sad indian song, he watered the flowers, gently brushing off an invisible dust. He was dressed in a white tracksuit. White is surely his color.

   "You're probably one of the few guys that listen to indian songs." Zulekha said balancing the chair she just dropped.

Tariq smiled widely. "Definitely, i was about going out." Dropping the can, he ended the sentence. "For a walk. Wanna tag along?"

Pronto, Zulekha shook her head. Pointing at Mama that was coming their way. He made an ohhh look with his mouth, slightly raising his brow.
       "I should get going then, see you around." And Zulekha nodded, making her way back into the house to cut the fruits.

Surprisingly, Zulekha met Tariq seated on the bench that was adjacent to Mama's chair. He looked so calm and relaxed. Always.

     "You said your parents name are?" Mama asked interestingly, she didn't even acknowledge Zulekha's presence.

        "Mr and Mrs Muhammad."

          "And you're from?" She asked again, her eyes peered on him.

          "Katsina." He replied swiftly, standing up. "I need to go."

         "Mrs Muhammad, is not a real name. What's her full name?" Mama asked again, peeling a banana.

  Turning abruptly, "if i knew, i would have told you."he set down his hands into his tracksuit pocket. "Do me a favor and stop meddling in my life."

Mama dropped the Banana she just picked and put her hand under her chin inspecting his retreating back.

          "What do you know about him?" It was an unexpected question that Zulekha almost choke on the water she was sipping.

  She gave Mama a bewildered look and shook her head. Mama glared at her, "it's high time you stop being useless in this house. Be useful for once."



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