Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Nigeria, Kaduna State.
16th June, 2019

The scorching sun made Zulekha to pull her veil to her face. It closed half of her face. She was dressed in an Egyptian Abaya. Uncle Ibrahim got her six last month. He has been taking care of her. He's really the Father figure she didn't get to enjoy.
She dialed Ya Faruq's number again. It still wasn't going through. Heaving a sigh, she clutched her mini bag once again. Uncle Ibrahim also got her a phone, at first Mama didn't like the idea but somehow, he convinced her and Mama never said no to him.

Few minutes later, she redialed Ya Faruq's number but it still wasn't going through. He dropped her off at the market earlier. She's traveling to Zaria tomorrow to write her post UTME, forty days ago when Ya Faruq checked her jamb result, she was the happiest scoring two hundred and sixty seven. She applied for Medicine.

Dialing Ya Ahmad's number, she prayed silently hoping he'd pick cause Ya Umar was out of the question and luckily he did. After talking to him for a minute, she listened quietly even though she wasn't comprehending and nodded sluggishly.

Almost an hour later, she spotted Ya Umar's car. He gestured for her to come in and she did and for a second Zulekha saw weakness in his eyes. His shoulders were drooping as he gripped the steering wheel. He waved at her greetings and remained quiet. He was dressed in a three quarter and armless shirt. He looked rough yet simple and sophisticated.

And for the very first time Zulekha felt secured around him. It was Ya Umar but she felt like it was Ya Faruq's version. He stopped at an eatery that was located just beside their house and after twenty minutes of waiting, he courteously dropped one takeaway for Zulekha and kept the rest.

Reversing, Zulekha thought they will be going home but he changed the lane. Few minutes later, when they arrived at Monarch hospital. Oh that was what Ya Ahmad was trying to explain. But he talked so fast that she really didn't get him.

She stared blankly at Ya Umar and he rubbed his eyes. "Room 9, they are all there." His voice was raspy, picking up the takeaways. He said; "Go with with this." He talked gently and tiredly that she inspected him for a second thinking if this is really Ya Umar.

       "Who is sick?" She asked perplexed. He hesitated before answering. "Faruq, get out. I need to go home and freshen up."

Knocking twice, she pushed the door open. Ya Faruq was lying down on the hospital bed. He looked paler and his lips were dried. Ya Ahmad was sitting right beside him on a plastic chair. He was also dressed in a shirt and a three quarter and then she concluded that Ya Faruq was rushed to the hospital cause the Ya Ahmad she knew will never come out looking rough.

     "What happened to him?" She whispered to Ya Ahmad keeping the takeaway. He brushed his eyebrows. "Heard the doctor saying something about stomachache, I don't really know."

Ya Ahmad munched on his food And Zulekha stared down at hers, gently surveying Ya Faruq's figure. This man right here is her brother at the same time he's her father, mother and the sister she never had. He played a major role in her life. He was always there for her.

And she found herself feeling nauseous all of a sudden. Ya Umar came back, he changed into a sweatpants and a shirt. Pulling the chair beside Ya Ahmad, he sat down heaving out a sigh.

     "Did you get to talk with her?" Ya Ahmad Asked disposing the takeaway. Ya Umar facepalmed and sighed again. "I don't even know what's wrong with Mama." He looked so distraught. This is the first time she's seeing Ya Umar this way.

    "The fact that she always goes out without Baba's permission." Westernization. Ya Ahmad shook his head. "Does Baba care?"

    And Zulekha listened keenly as they complained about their parent's nonchalant attitude. At least Mama cares about her brothers but Baba is a zero. She thought.

Ya Umar placed his head beside Ya Faruq's Torso and Ya Ahmad placed his on the other side of the bed. As Zulekha caught sight of them, she felt a tinge of pity for them.

       "Witch, why are you staring at me?" Ya Umar lamented. Now this sounds like the Umar she knows. Ya Ahmad nudged him. "Let her be please." He said pinching the space between his eyes.

Later that night, Mama came. She was clad up in a burgundy Lace. Her lips were slightly painted red. She dropped her micheal kors handbag and adjusted her chantille veil.

     "Ya Allah, I'm so tired. This wedding tired me out. How is he feeling?" Mama inquired settling on the plastic chair.  For a whole minute, the room was silent.

    "He is getting better." Zulekha answered, stifling a yawn.

     "Did i ask you? Daughter of a witch." Mama blared at her. Oh it's been long she heard that.

    "Sannu Faruq, ciwon cikin ne? Is it the stomachache? Told you to be eating well. It is Ulcer." Mama said in one breath, adjusting his sitting position she placed a pillow behind him.

    "Now open up" she said bringing up a spoonful of rice. "Haaaa"

A day later, Ya Faruq got discharged. He's still the same benevolent and congenial Ya Faruq, looking slimmer and paler.

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