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Chapter 57. Am I a monster?

Trigger Warning: This chapter is not meant for the faint of heart. Please note that the following content may be disturbing or distressing to some readers. Proceed with caution.

Iris's world shattered, her eyes widening with horror as she witnessed the chilling scene unfolding on the screen.

The voices of Elias and Jasper were muffled but their actions spoke volumes. They stormed into the room- their aggression was palpable as they manhandled their mother, pressing a cold blade against her vulnerable throat.

The ultimate act of betrayal played out before her eyes.

In that harrowing moment, Iris felt an overwhelming surge of despair and disillusionment. The promises they had made, the tender moments they had shared, all seemed like fragments of a false reality.

Betrayal coursed through her veins, poisoning her once hopeful heart. How could she have been so naive, believing that these men who had kidnapped and subjected her to unspeakable torment could ever change?

Her subconscious mocked her, chastising her innocence. "You foolish girl," it whispered, dripping with scorn. "Did you truly think those monsters, clothed in human skin, could become anything other than what they truly are?"

Tears welled up in Iris's eyes, threatening to spill over as conflicting emotions tore through her. The memories of their loving gestures, the moments she had clung to in her darkest hours, now clawed at her wounded heart. The poison of betrayal seeped into her very being, staining her perception of the world.

But amidst the devastation, Iris's expression remained eerily blank. Her face once filled with warmth and vivacity, now resembled a porcelain doll.

On the surface, she appeared untouched by the emotional storm raging within her. Her features remained still, masking the turmoil that ravaged her soul. A beautiful facade concealing a shattered spirit.

Liwei, observing her with fascination and sadistic satisfaction, broke the silence. "Oh, Iris," he lamented, his voice dripping with malice. "This is the truth of your beloved husbands. Monsters hiding behind the guise of humanity."

Their actions and promises flashed in front of her eyes.

Elias was on his knees near the bed, and he took her hand. "I-I am s-sorry. We are s-sorry," he choked out miserably. His voice was hoarse with emotions.

"I love you. We love you uncontrollably till insanity," Jasper declared.

"Please, darling. We love you. I fucking love you to even fathom losing you; please stay with us. Let us love you, cherish you and make you the happiest woman in this world. I swear to harm you again," Elias beseeched. His voice was hoarse and thick. His eyes dropped as he grasped her hands in anticipation.

"Please give us a second chance, and we will prove your decision was not wrong," Elias begged.

"We promise. We would never hurt you, never," Jasper tried to caress her cheeks.

"Alright, I agree to give you a second chance."

Was the second chance worth it?

"We are so fucking sorry," Elias grumbled, pulling her even closer and burying his face in the crook of her neck. This time he didn't pull away, because she made no signs of refusal. "We never knew how to show love. We were taught to snatch things before others could get them, everything for us was competition. Unknowingly we treated you like our possession rather than a person," his voice thick with regret.

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