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Chapter 33 - Changes and Trauma

The brother had changed.

Or so she had observed.

It had been two weeks, and the brothers had not touched her once without permission. It was the bare minimum, but she was grateful.

Though Iris had made them agree to her terms, she was still afraid of the brothers, so she did not push her luck and allowed them to hug her or caress her face or kiss the back of her hand or cheeks now and then.


The Sinclair brothers starved for her touch.

They had realized the value of her gentle touch, her smile, her giggles, her shy face, her everything.

All they wanted was to hold their wife and show her how much they loved her. Their hearts burned when they saw her flinch at their touch, how her eyes guarded whenever she saw them. They felt horrible.

Flint had permanent scars on his body. It was messing with his confidence; nightmares had not stopped. His mother asked him to go to therapy, but he refused. Nothing was wrong with him!

"Rhea, talk to dad. We need to get Iris out of there," Flint beseeched. He was still worried about her. He understood the fact she was a victim. The torture done on him was none of her faults. Hell, even she needed to get saved.

Rhea's face fell; her twin was begging her for days. "Have you forgotten what happened two weeks ago? After that, do you think mom and dad would risk everything for her? They are more worried about us!" she expressed. Her voice raised an octave with helplessness in her tone.

The brothers had sent a guy named Kai to their house. The scary man threatened the entire family to stay away from Iris, or they would never know, but the twins would end up disappearing into the thin.

Rhea was attacked the day before when a gang of thugs cornered her. They did not do anything, but their presence left a mark in her mind. She was intimidated and scared shitless. Those men could do anything to her, and they would leave unscathed.

Sinclairs had the government in their pocket.

It was the first time Rhea hated the power of money.

Just to prove the fact, their father's highest paying client just pulled out his case, making them financially unstable. The parents were guarded and did not want their children to face any mishap than they already had.

Iris had called Rhea, and she was sitting in front of her mother. Just one glare from her mama was enough to make her cut the call and break all relations with her friend. They knew Iris was suffering, but they cared about their children more.

The twins could not go against their parents' wishes. Even if they wanted to save their friend, they were incapable.

The brothers were cruel and selfish bastards.

They only wanted to have Iris for themselves.

Only themselves.

Elias and Jasper had not left her side for a single second.

"I need to pee," she exclaimed, trying to get away from them. The brothers stood up in alarm. They could not let her go alone. The last time they did, she tried to take her life.

"I will follow," Elias stated, to which Iris groaned internally.

Damn woman, you have scared them; her subconscious looked shocked. The brothers had their trauma. The fact they made her harm herself was eating them daily. The dark circles under their eyes had darkened. They were in the process of becoming pandas.

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