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Chapter 32 - Second Chance

Two nights.

That's how long she was in an induced coma to heal.

"It will leave a mark, but I have prescribed ointments for prompt recovery. Luckily, it did not cause any nerve damage. Also, the patient is anemic. I have provided her with some folic acid tablets and made sure she intakes iron-rich supplements and food. You can hire a nutritionist," the doctor wrote on his notepad.

"The patient may suffer from post-trauma that had led her to harm herself. It would be wise to be extra cautious around the patient and show them care and affection gently," the doctor shared his analysis. "I would recommend therapy if the patient consents," he placed his pen in his pocket, looking up at them with his round glasses.

The brothers nodded, dark circles under their eyes, their hairs disheveled, shirt crumbled. With an ominous and gloomy aura surrounding them, they felt unapproachable. They were around her 24/7 like a beast protecting their injured mate.

They had not slept a wink since she tried to take her life.

Iris opened her eyes.

The world seemed to be hazy.

She blinked. Her left wrist winced when moved only to see it covered in a thick bandage.

"Iris," she flinched at the hoarse voice which called her. She hated that deep voice. It brought her nightmares and sleepless nights, which also led her to harm herself. She closed her eyes not to look at them.

Why was she still alive?

Elias was on his knees near the bed, and he took her hand. "I-I am s-sorry. We are s-sorry," he choked out miserably. His voice was hoarse with emotions.

Warm tears dropped on her hands; Iris flinched as if they were hot lava.

Her body had no energy left, and it all felt too tiresome for her. Iris let out a heavy sigh. A headache hit her; it was the side effect of drugs injected into her system. It felt lethargic.

Even Jasper was kneeling beside her bed. He did not utter a word. He felt a lump in his throat. It was the first time he could not speak words from anxiousness.

After years, they had finally felt fear. Jasper could feel his heart stop when he found Iris in her demented state. They still couldn't believe their actions brought her to such a state.

He observed her eating less than usual, not smiling that often. But he had seen in recent days that she was eating normally. She did not look that scared in their presence. He thought everything was going alright. Jasper forgot even though she looked physically fit, she was deteriorating mentally.

"I love you. We love you uncontrollably till insanity," Jasper declared as Iris' orbs grew wide. He dryly chuckled; seeing the look on her face, she did not believe his words. Jasper, too, thought the same. It was the first time he was openly saying those words. Yes. They loved their wife.

So much that they could not even speculate.

No one taught him and his brother to love. They grew up believing they were incapable of loving anything, not to mention a person. But this woman entered their life and changed it.

When Jasper found her limp in his arms, his heart stopped for a second. He could feel himself dying in agony if anything happened to her. He would go to any lengths to have protected and happy, and the thought himself startled him and would shake people if they knew things he could do for her.

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