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Chapter 22 - Husbands and Wife

The brothers woke up in bliss.

It could be said it was the best sleep they had in years. They woke up as usual around 5 am, their body trained to the system.

Elias smiled when he turned to see their wife was still sleeping. Her face without makeup still looked perfect. Her freckles made her appear even more adorable. He controlled his urge to pinch her soft cheeks.

He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her button nose.

He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her button nose

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Jasper woke up fresh and rejuvenated. He grinned. For the first time in his life; his smile did not contain cunningness, malicious intents, or any dark undertones. It was full of glee.

He looked at Iris' sleeping body. Everything fascinated him. He watched her chest heave up and down and her lips slightly parted.

Her soft snores echoed in the room.

Iris woke up around 11 am. The moment she groggily opened her eyes, the pain hit her. It felt as if a bus had run over her. Every single muscle of hers hurt. Her lower area felt sore as she winced.

"Good morning," a languid, velvety voice greeted her. Realization hit her. She remembered what happened last night. Her eyes flew back to her naked body. She hurriedly covered her bare chest with the white sheets.

She scouted back in the bed, trembling. Brothers' eyes darkened at her action. They hated when she covered herself from them. Elias's jaw ticked. He curbed his anger. Taking a deep breath; he called out, reaching to her. "Darling."

Iris avoided his touch; tears welled into her. Her body hurt. Everything from last night hit her like a hurricane. He moved closer to her. "Don't touch me," she hissed when tears threatened to fall.

They had taken her virginity with dubious consent.

Her heart clenched. She did not feel okay. The feeling now she was married to them felt heavy. Her eyes subconsciously went to the ring; it felt like a cage. She wished to remove it and throw it out.

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