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Chapter 39 - Rumors

"She is a gold digger," a woman, let out a snark comment. "I mean, you see their no background of her, and suddenly she takes a job at their private to follow where only prodigies and experience get placed," the woman pointed out while washing her hands.

"She being using that pussy good to get everything," the other woman scoffed. "Fucking whore," a snarky comment left another woman's lips.

"Here we work all our lives to get the position, and then a bitch with good looks takes away everything," the sour words one after other left stabbing Iris. As she bled in tears.

Iris's head lowered. She was sitting in the toilet, hearing their comments from inside. Her eyes moistened as she tried her best to ignore their comments. It should not hurt me. They don't know what happened; she tried to console herself.


A tear went down her chin as she harshly whipped it off. Should she stop working? No. Why let their words get you? Just prove them you are deserving of that position, her subconscious deadpanned.

She was mature enough to not break down in the toilet, but she was not savage enough- to get out and confront those workers and tell them to shut the fuck up.

The woman scoffed. "Whatever. Let's get back to work."

Her shaky hands finally opened the door when she heard the footsteps disappear. She wiped her face, touching up her makeup. Iris looked in the mirror, forcing a smile on her face- she walked out of the washroom as if nothing happened.

"Mrs. Sinclair. Bosses are having another meeting they will leave at 9 pm. Do you want to wait for them to go back to the mansion," Elvis her assigned bodyguard- asked politely. Iris looked at her watch. It was 6 pm.

"Let's go to a bookstore on way to home," she said. Elvis looked at her with hesitancy. "I will message them," she grumbled, taking out her phone texting Elias. They were treating her as a toddler who could not do anything without her parents' permission.

You call them, daddy though; her subconscious jutted in.

Iris ignored her thoughts.

Iris: Can I go to the bookstore on my way back home?

Elias: We could leave together the meeting will end soon.

Iris: I am tired. I will just grab some books and have an early dinner.

Elias: Alright, do whatever you wish, darling.

"He agreed," Iris commented, then only Elvis nodded and decided to drive to the nearest bookstore. "Can you lower the music," she commented- closing her eyes till they reached the store. Who knew working for a company would be this trying. Her freelance mind was not ready to blend in with the 9 to 5 schedule.

"If you hate cliffhangers, I do not suggest that book" a man answered. Her eyes snap to see an Asian man looking at her. "I am a fan of cliffhangers. I could be a mild masochist, who knows," she shrugged as the man glanced at her with a grin.

"Liwei," he greeted.

"Umm, Iris," she answered, glancing at the man dubiously. "So Umm Iris, which book are you looking for," he decided to make small talk. Iris panicked. If the brothers find out she talked to another male- he was good as dead, and what would happen to her. She was scared enough not to imagine.

"I am married," she countered, hoping he would get a hint. He smiled in response, his eyes flickering to the blue diamond on her finger. A cold glint passed through his brown orbs and got replaced by a kind smile.

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