Chapter Twenty-One

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Arabella sits in a rocking chair, holding a small bundle of blankets in her arms. She is tired but she doesn't mind. A small cry sounds, making her look down at the dark eyes of the child.

"Oh, is somebody hungry?"she whispers to the baby before maneuvering her shirt up, exposing one of her breasts. "Here you go little, Mara, mommy has what you need." She coos as the baby latches onto her and begins to suckle. She relaxes back into the chair as her daughter eats.

"Knock knock." She looks over, seeing Alaric at the nursery door. She smiles sleepily up at him as he closes the door behind him. He crosses the room and kisses Arabella on the forehead. "How are my girls doing?"

"Tired, very tired, but otherwise okay." She whispers as he runs his hands along the back of her head.

"Why don't you go take a nap once she's done, Mara has kept you up a lot of the last few nights. I will watch her and if she gets hungry, we have milk you have pumped in the fridge." He whispers gently as he leans in and kisses her on the forehead again. "If you are hungry, I hunted earlier and I can give you some before you go to bed. I know it's been strenuous on your body to give milk and not sleep." She smiles as he moves away and she nods. His hair is short, no longer shaggy, Alexander must have had him clean his appearance up.

"Thank you. I really need some rest and blood." She can feel Mara move away, letting her pull her shirt back down. She hands the baby off to her mate and stands, heading out of the nursery and towards the kitchen. "I'm just going to pump some more and then I'll meet you in the bedroom." She says as she rubs her eyes. She pulls a nursing bra out of a drawer in the nursery, pulling it on so the pods will sit in it as they pump. She forgoes her shirt and set up her pumps. She heads to the bedroom and sits against the headboard as the pumps pull the milk from her breasts. She is just about to nod off as the bedroom door opens and her mate crosses the room.

"Come here my sweet little vampire. Let my body give you what you desire." He whispers as he pulls her into his arms, taking a seat. He rearranges her so she is straddling his hips and can feed upright. She sinks her fangs into him, his hands holding her steady.

She drinks slowly, savoring the taste of her man, the father of her child. She grasps the hair at the back of his neck, letting him rub her back comfortingly. She can't help the tears that well in her eyes and fall as she enjoys the comfort. Her body had changed so much to grow and deliver Mara that her hormones were irregular. "It's okay, Arabella, I know that you feel different right now but I'll take care of you both." He whispers as she continues to feed.

Arabella wakes and feels tears falling down her cheeks. She could remember the feeling of love she held for the small baby in her dream and it brought her a warmth she hadn't known before.

"Hey, what's wrong Arabella?" Alaric whispers and she realizes that she is lying against his chest. He hadn't left her alone since Lannix reappeared, but it brought her ease to have him around.

"Nothing is wrong, I just had a really good dream. It was so surreal." She says as she nestles her face into his bare chest. He had bought condoms a little over a week before and ever since they hadn't left the bedroom much. Alexander was getting frustrated with how little he had been training but once his mate began to feel her first spring his complaints had lessened.

"I'm glad it was a good dream. Happy tears are the only kind of tears I want to see on your cheeks." He whispers and gently caresses her head. They stay quiet for a moment as she draws patterns on his chest with her fingers. She could see the outline of his abs becoming more defined from training. She walks her two fingers down his torso and under the blanket to his boxers. She rubs him over the fabric, feeling him begin to stiffen. 

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