Chapter Fifteen

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Alexandra notices when the room down the hallway finally grows quiet and Bennett can't help but to chuckle. Alexandra was thoroughly traumatized by hearing her father in the act with her new young blood. "It's not funny Bennett, the sensitive hearing is a curse." She shudders in discomfort and he wraps his arm around her. She looks into the mirror noticing how her skin looks more lively and her eyes brighter.

"You took a life, that is why you look so much more refreshed." He explains to her and she paws at her eyes for a moment before she senses another presence followed by the strong scent of blood.

"Where is that coming from?" She asks and Bennett is in front of her but she recognizes the smell, Alaric. She bolts out of the room at the same time her father bolts out his room as well. His hair was a mess but he had managed to throw on some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Her father runs ahead of her and they both come across a horrifying sight.

Alaric stood inside of the gate with a gaping hole in his side and blood running out of the corner of his mouth. "Help ..." it was weak but Alexander raced forward and caught his son as he fell.

"Alaric! Alaric, my son, hold on, I can help you." He rips his wrist open with his fangs and places the gushing wound against his child's lips. It didn't take long for Alaric to secure his fangs into his fathers wrist. Alexander held him tightly, watching the wound beginning to heal. He felt rage burning inside of him for whoever thought they could hurt his child. He pulls away from Alexander after a moment and rests in his arms.

Alexandra stares down at her brother in horror and Bennett pulls her into his arms. "It's okay Alexandra, we will take him inside and get him patched up. He will be okay soon." Bennett's comforting words don't do much for her as she watches her father lift Alaric and carry him towards the door.

"Alaric!" The female voice made everyone turn around and Alexander thought his heart may still. Lillian enters the grounds and looks around, behind her Katerina's family follows. Lillian stops once she sees Alexander and her heart swells with the years of good memories they had. "Alexander..." she whispers and Bennett takes Alaric into his arms.

"My love, what has brought you all here?" Alexander asks, shocked to see his family all together. Lillian runs towards Alexander and he scoops her up in his arms. She cries silently into his shoulder and he is angry that somebody has made his mate sad.

"Brother...It was Dylan Mcalister, he threw the family out and I've never seen that young man act like such a monster. Alaric just wanted to talk him down and he put his hand straight through him." A growl rips through the air and it takes Alexandra a moment to realize it came from her.

He hurt our blood. You must accept me fully so that you can put an end to this madness. The voice makes her even more angry but she can feel the darkness growing inside of her. She knows that it is time to make this choice, even if it costs her some of her humanity. She turns, leaving everyone outside and goes back to her bedroom. She lies down in bed and begins to focus on the feeling deep down.

That's it, feel it, let us become one.

She feels the power swirling around her, a power she never knew existed. There is a darkness to the energy but she accepts it knowing everyone has darkness inside of them.

She closes her eyes, visualizing the energy around her. A shadow appears in her visualization and it crosses the room coming to a stop over top of her. It shoved its hands into her chest before it dissipated into her.


Her mind raced with the thought and her body surges with a new found source of energy. She watches as a woman enters the room and realizes that it is a different version of herself.

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