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Heavy Rains

Phayu's POV

I opened the door.
All eyes on me.

"It's raining cats and dogs! You ride your bike?" My best friend asked.

He helped me with my rain coat.
I secretly look around.
And I smirked. After ignoring a beautiful smile.

I feel like I saw this kid before.

His friends teases him.
And I caught him glancing at me once in a while.

Damn this kid is bad mouthed.

"Phayu!" The head hazer waves her hands in front of me.

"They don't know but it's too obvious in our eyes." She commented with teasing tone.

"What?" I asked.

My friends get closer and one said.
"You are into the nong"

I shake my head and sit properly.

"P' Phayu," I looked up.

I stand and lead him to a more quiet place.

"Khabkhun khab. You might not remember me. For ignoring me. But thank you for helping me the other week with my car." He said.

Now I know why he looks familiar.

I nod my head.

"That's all." he said.

I looked at him.
He moved backwards.
Then bowed and leave.

"You scared him." My best friend said.

Then he walked towards the toilets.

That kid is interesting.
He is a bit nice. But bad mouthed and a bit violent

"Mung I accept the challenge. By the end of this semester that kid would be trained." I said.
My friends raised a toss.
And wedeinkes what's in our glass
That kid would be mine.

I excused myself and walked at the backdoor.
Where is his car?

I smirked.
He will be mine.
The night get deeper my team had a drink.
I asked them not to tell Rain I will be his senior partner for a year.
I will tell him.

"Seems like you like the nong." My best friend said.

These guys won't bully you because of your gender or gender of whom you love.
For them love is love.
That is why we are friends we have the same principle.

I smiled at him.

They stopped teasing but raised glasses.
In silence we toss.
For the nongs are just beside us.

We e don't drink much because we all need to go home safe.
And yes I drink responsively.
As a student I should know that.
As a mechanic, that is a must
And that is also my parents required.
I am allowed to drink. But in moderate.

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