jealous 2

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TU and Bright needs to be together, during interviews, and whenever they are in public. These two sticks together.

So Nani Win and Dew set aside.
But as always these three makes things messy.
Win becomes more clumsy. But Nani always helps him.

During shooting breaks Nani and Win always sits together.
Even during meals

Some scenes are taken in Korea.
Win will travel a little late. So the team will be decided into two teams.

Nani smiled widely to their director.
"Direct I am willing to wait for p' Win with others na." He said.

"Okay, but make sure you guys will ride the next plane to Korea." The director said.

"Yes, sir" he said and waiid. He then get his phone.

Bright just watch everything. Pissed off. He tries to call Win. But either ignored or declined.

But looking at Nani right now.

"P' Win, where are you now?" He asked and walk a bit away from the group.

Bright gripped on his phone. He tries to call Win but now the number is busy!

"Bright we have to go now." The director said. After giving instructions to two of the staffs that will join the next flight with Nani and Win.

Bright grabbed his things and walked following the staffs.

"So sulky, because the boyfriend is not with us." TU teased.

Bright calmed himself
His relationship with Win should be inside the closet.
He sighed.

"I am just used to be with Win." Bright said.

TU gave him a teasing smile and walked ahead of him. The lady staffs take care of Tu.

They board the plane.

Nani smiled when he saw the tall guy he is waiting for.
Untill Win sits beside him.

"Next flight to Korea is 5 hours to go" the staff said.

"You know what I like the most about this airport? They have like a mall here" Win said.

"Okay but be back after two hours." The staffs said.

Win and Nani high fives and walked excitedly to the said mini mall.

"P' vlog time." Nani said.

Win agreed.
Nani take out his phone and started a mini vlog. A Facebook live.

"I am suppose to be on a flight but my buddy here is late so we will wait for another 5 hours. And we are in... Not gonna tell. " Nani said.
He remembered if any fans will know he and Win will be doomed. Fans will find them.

"And who is with me?" He asked.
Win showed himself and grabbed the Phone
"Sawadee Khab" he greeted.

They do not show where they are. They make sure only their faces are seen on screen.
Win then give the phone back to Nani.
He grabbed some snacks and drinks then they walked fast for some people looks at them.

They are now discovered they went to the cashier and pay fastly then almost run back to the lounge. A private place for the VIP passengers while waiting for their flight.
They decided to have a room tour on the vlog. Plus teasing and annoying their staffs. And it lasted for 20 minutes
They have 3 hours and more to wait.

Win decided to have a nap. And Nani sit beside him also had a nap.

And the staff take turn in teasing the actors. They Took a video of the two sleeping. Leaning on each other.

And everything is seen by the eyes of the annoyed Bright.

He could have went yesterday to Win.
Or these past few weekends. He could have just made excuses to have time with Win. Even for just hours.
Now Win is taking it back on him.
He ignored Win for more than a month.
He sighed.

"Nong the time reach Korea. They will get on the plane na. You should have protested and plead for the director that you will be the one who will wait for Win." Their manager said who sits beside him.

"I have to work professionally na" Bright whispered.

The manager nod his head.
Bright leaned back and tried to sleep.

Because he was tired few days ago he sleep well during the whole flight.

After 3 hours the sleepy heads are disturbed by the staff. The plane touched down.
While the other plane is boarding.

Bright and everyone with him had dinner first before they went to the hotel.
He is instructed to have more rest his room buddy will come to him soon.
He hoped it is Win.

He arranged his things. The room is so wide it is a deluxe for two. Two beds and separated bathtub and shower from toilet, a half bathroom.

He then get on the selected bed and connected to wifi.
He watched the staffs' posts. Some made him smile but most pissed him off.

He can't sleep no more. He take his shower and get his scripts.

While reading and listening to some music. He did not realized he slowly get into sleep.

11 pm. The door opened.

Win gently and carefully arranged his things. Take his shower quietly. Close most of the lights and get on his clothes. He arranged Bright's position on bed.
And when he is moving away he is grabbed strongly and pinned on bed.

"P'Bright" he said started.
Bright did not say a word but kissed his neck.
"I miss you" Bright whispered.
Win let Bright do what he wants.

But he stopped Bright when lips landed on top of his brief's garter.

"P' we have shooting tomorrow." Win said and pushed Bright. He moved fastly and picked his clothes.

Bright sit on bed looking at him madly.

"You made me want you by being late and making me jealous." Bright said.

"P' it is not my fault that you had free time to come during weekends but chose not to. It is not my fault that my car heated up and stuck in traffic to be late for the flight. Also not my fault that you ignored for more that 3 months." Win said.

He sit on the other bed.

Bright stand.

"That is your line p. You are not allowed to come close to me. You set that boundary yourself. That is how far you cane be to me." Win said

Bright think hard.
And he remembered his actions.
Many times Win asked him to sit with him or eat with him but he always declined.

"I understand. And I am sorry I forget." Win said.
He stood up.

"I should have asked. Dew to change room with me." Win said.
He then stand and get his things.
Bright stand and grabbed Win. Pinned him on the other bed.

"I am sorry. Please stay in this room with me. Please na..." Bright said.

He kissed Win gently.
"P' rak Win na." He whispered.
Win pouted. Bright kiss the pout. But Win did not protest.
They ended up cuddling while sleeping.


One last for them tomorrow or later or next week.
I am on vacation. Yehey

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