be my body guard 4

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"Trouble in Rong Muang"

Porche is expecting Kinn will pester him again. He saw Tankul leave with his bodyguards but did not saw Kinn since he drink the first liquor he gave him this night.

He breathed in relief when he is not disturbed in his break.

But when he is back.
The young Master never leave the one corner of the bar.

He felt he is being watched.
This is bad for his business.
Who the hell are you that son of the boss will get interest on you. You are just a toy.

Again it is a bit painful but get him back to work.
His business smile is more lively now.

But he ave 3-4 more hours to endure.
He never looked at Kinn's way.

But his attention is catched by a group near Kinn. Three ladies asked for margarita sunshine. He smirked and made it quick. But as he served them his eyes saw what it saw.

But he smile ignoring it. Now everyone have their drink.
He signed one of the assistants for quick break.
He fake coughed and run to the man's toilet locked the door.

His brain shouted. Why is he so jealous. He saw the young master kiss a gay. A cute one.

He washed his face. And arranged his posture chew a candy and breathed deep. He opened the door but he is pushed back in.

Kinn again pinned him on the wall.
"Why am I addicted to you?"Kinn asked.

"Young master. Your dad pays me to work on the bar." Porche said.

"Then work here as my bodyguard." Kinn said but kissing his neck. The kiss run on his lips.

Porche tired but he cannot resist.
"Mint and I love it" Kinn said.

The kiss get hotter.
But Porche remembered his work.

"Young master Kinn please I need to go back." He whispered.

Kinn let go of him.

Porche quickly moved.
And went back to work.

"Are you okay?" One of the barista asked.
Porche nod his head. He again is back to work.

Thanked the heavens Kinn did not appear the whole time.

Accounting again came. He is given a tip. And he said to his boss.
"Sir I'm cannot try accept the extra tips na. Can y ok in account it payment to what I awe you?" He asked

The boss laughed.
"What you awe young man is paid when you accepted the offer to work under my roof." He said
Porche bowed in respect

"Porche. Why don't you accept Kinn's offer?" The boss asked.

"It is you I awe to. So it is you I work for." Porche answered.

"Working for him is also working for me." The Master said.

"But sir. I am a bartender. Barista I am not a fighter." He said.
The boss just nod his head.

Porche again bowed and prepare to leave. But when he is leaving. There is chaos on the other side of the bar. Where the girl is the barista. The place he thought is where he will work.

He rushed there.
Without knowing Kinn and two men followed him.

"What is going on here?" Porche shouted.
The girl smirked she too knows how to fight but she is out numbered.

They fought.
But Kinn and his two men showed up.

"Shit!" The girl shouted.
"What the he Kinn get out of her she shouted.

Porche saw a man with a gun. The barista gurl saw it also.
Porche run to Kinn pulled him the girl kicked the guy with a gun. But another is with a gun. One of Kinn's bodyguard fired on the second man but already fired his gun.
Porche covered Kinn.

The culprits are outnumbered for Kinn's men added unnoticed.

Kinn checked on Porche.

Porche stood and unbutton his polo. And get the life vest off.
He then run and get on his bike and leave.

When he get home he packed their things. His brother came and his friend.

When Porche texted his brother go hide he send it also to his best friend. So his best friend run to Chay and hide Chay.

"P' Porche." Chat wanted to cry.

"Get your things now. Pack everything you can. From now on you will stay in the man's dorm okay?" Porche said.

Two cars stopped in front of their house.
His best friend is in panic.

"Do not move unless we leave. Pack everything in lights off basis. Then early in the morning go to your dorm admin.
Here" Porche gave 20k Bhat for the dorm down payment. And 5k Bhat for allowance.

"I will come visit you in your dorm." He kissed his brother's head.

"Porche I will not harm your brother. You saved my life twice how can I hurt you. Please na talk to me" Kinn asked nicely.

"Porche na by the name of my mother and father and our parents friendship promise is I'll never harm your brother." Kinn said.

Porche showed himself. From the back door. His brother and best friend fled to the next house unnoticed. They changed the plan.

Chay is now safe so he showed himself.

"What do you want?" He asked.

Kinn walked towards him.
"You Porche. I want you."
He waved his hands and everyone get inside the car. Leaving Only two of them in front of the closed house. With no lights.

But the darkness are breaking and the dawn is giving it's lights.

"The way you protected me make me more eager to convince you be my bodyguard Porche." He said.

Porche opened the door the house. Kinn followed him.
He drinked water.

"That was to help the barista. And protesting you is not protecting you it is working for your dad." Porche said.

"Then work for my dad by protecting me." Kinn said looking at Porche.

"I can't fight" Porche said.

"Porche we train them. To be better. And you are skilled I know by your moves." Kinn said.

Porche cannot find a reason now.
But remembered his brother.
He just looked at Kinn.

Kinn sighed and walked closer to Porche. Took the glass of water and drinked the remaining content of it.
"Your brother is protected and he is now under a scholarship. His dorm is paid for the rest of his college. Everything he needs untill his graduation. Or even masters  if he wants to pursue. Will be covered.
He is out of this damn business. You can visit him once a week safely." Kinn is now closer to Porche.

"Will you be my bodyguard?" Kinn asked.

Porche gulped hard.
He moved away from Kinn.

"Okay" he said.

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