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My craziness again bubbled out of my subconscious brain and popped this.
"BrightWin Nani"

Let's do this

"Working with Methawin is a great honor." Nani said. They are now in an interview. The 5 main characters Dew, Bright, Win and Nani.

"Win what about you? How was working with new actors?" Godji, the host asked.

"It is not hard na Mae. I think about how I was when I was starting and they are raw and good actors they work professionally." Win said.

"Yeah like the two of you always mess around." Bright said.

"What?what?" Godji asked. "And who messes around?" She added.

"Win and Nani" Bright said and leaned his body on the couch like a lazy mad child.

The staffs laughs and teased Bright.

"No I am not jealous" Bright said on mic.

Dew and Nani laughed.

"Hey no one says you are P' Bright." Dew said and massaged Bright's shoulders, like  calming him.

"They said it." Bright said.

"Chai." Win said.
"Mae p' Bright is a bit jealous with Nani." Win teased.

"Aw. Why me?" Nani protested.

Dew begin making fun of Bright. The two of them now having a pillow fight.
The director cut for commercial.

"Look Mae, they are in a mess they always starts it" Win said laughing.

Nani is silent.
But he always looks at Win.
Even during the break. Nani stays by Win's side. In the series they are working on right now Nani and Win are close best friends. While Bright and Dew are their other friends.

Win and Nani asked if they can have a little break. They went to snack section and have some energy drinks.

Bright sit beside Win.
"You are coming with me after this." He whispered.

Win nod his head.
Why? He asked himself. He knows he cannot raise the question not only because Nani would be damn curious also they are in a series where their characters are straight. They cannot have these cute sweet moments together.

Unlike their first series they have to be seen publicly. Now they are meant to be seen together. With other casts.  One of the reasons Nani is assigned to be at Wins side in all interviews.
And for Win it is to help Nani.

Well Win and Nani met in acting workshop before. And they where so happy to be reunited in this project. For they are like old friends apart and now again connected.

Their interview continued.

Then their pictorials for the series promotions. Real shooting starts in a few days. This series would be seen worldwide so they are really damn serious preparing for the sets bad locations of the shooting.

The day ended.
Win is driving his porche. But he turned to east his condo is south straight ahead but his direction is Bright's.

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