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"Brother I have someone for you" Cherry said.

Danai get out of the room and smiled when he saw Kim.

"Now your promise" Charry said.

"Put him in my room." Danai commanded Cherry's men.

He opened his office. Cherry followed him.
He opened his volt and get the papers.
He handed Cherry.

"See I told you I can have him for you. Now if Kamol can't be mine. He can't have Kim." Cherry said.
She laughed while she hold the folder.

She opened it and her laugh get stronger.
"This is mine as well" she said.

She left. But Danai laughed harder

"I have you now Kim." He smirked

"And Cherry you'll have a hurtful process on that papers sorry." He said.

Cherry leave the place. With another car.

But the van is still there.

She is seeing cars and van. She knows one of the cars. She smudged her face with her make up like she is crying she used.the water in the water bottle that sits on her car for a long time.

She is messy hell now.

She stopped.and opened her door.

"Hurry Kim is in there. Danai tried to hurt me but I scaped him and get this car. I was forced to take Kim because he will hurt me" she said.

Khom then nod at her and went on but the van where Kamol is went on without stopping.

Cherry then drive fast and laughed hard.

After Cherry left Danai went to Kim.

Kim is awake but his hands tied on the headboard of the bed.
His feet are also chained to the bed.
His mouth is tied with cloth.

"Oh. You look so vulnerable and delicious right now" Danai said.

He sit beside Kim.
He trace Kim's face with his fingers but Kim moves his head.

Danai hold on him and kiss his head.

Kim shouts in protest and moves hi whole body with all his strength.

He is doomed. Now he wish he just stayed on the condo.
Or he just let Lop bring him back to the mansion.
He rather face the cold Kamol.
Than let this Maniac touch him like this.

"I hate you" he shouts.
But words are not understood. On sounds comes from him but no words.

"Sh.... I am better than Kamol" he said.

Kim resists him. But can't move any farther.

Danai hovered over him.

Kiss his head. But Kim moves away.

"You are getting on my nerves. Cooperate so I won't hurt you." Danai said.

Kim is tearing up.

My body my heart and my soul is only for Kamol
Stop touching me.
Kim shouts but again only heard of him are groans.

The door is kicked open.

Danai is shocked.
But he picked from Kim's body.
He is like thrown to the ground.

Lop and Khom unchained him.
They used tools.

While Kamol punches Danai. Many times.

"Khun we have the footages. Cherry is really is a liar." Tuj said.
Kamol nod at him.

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