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                "You're going to the Damned Quarter?" Tiberius frowned.

"Yes," Jack said. "I wanted to let you know first." Then with an encouraging nod from Everett, added, "Uh, so you don't worry?"

They stood in the dining room, servants bringing food in and out for dinner. One of the maids overheard Jack's plan and offered to make him up a quick snack for the road.

"No, thank you," at the same time that Tiberius said, "Yes, go do that."

Jack bit his tongue. Tiberius wasn't smiling at him, wasn't catching his fingers to tug on them, wasn't asking for a kiss to subside Jack's frustration at being coddled.

Instead, he leaned back in his chair at the head of the table and tossed his latest scroll aside. He, like Jack, seemed to have no particular system for his work. It was some comfort to be reminded of their similarities now, as he watched Jack with those piercing eyes, his expression too serious for Jack's liking.

"What for?" he finally asked.

"I need to talk to her," he said. "I have a theory I want to sort out."

"Now? It'll be dark soon, and we're all going to the Damned Quarter tomorrow anyway."

"It's important that I see her without a crowd, Tiberius."

He looked like he wanted to argue, but seemed to realize there was no point. He nodded once, said, "As you wish, but please take Graham, so I know you're safe," and returned to his letters. Jack swallowed thickly. Was that it?

He looked over his shoulder at Everett who made a go on, go on motion with his hands.

Jack cleared his throat. "Actually, I—I was hoping you'd come with me instead."

Tiberius stopped working, but didn't look up, and Jack hurriedly said, "It's not because it literally hurts whenever we're apart either, it's . . . I . . ." he dropped his voice to a murmur so Everett wouldn't hear, "I miss you when you're not there."

Tiberius clenched his jaw and swallowed very slowly. Jack's face felt like it was burning, and he turned away, refraining from running to the door. "But I can see you're busy so if you'd rather not—"

Tiberius was in front of him at lightning speed, staring intensely down the few inches at him. "I can come," was all he said, but in those three words, Jack heard all the longing and heartache he felt himself. Tiberius was as miserable as he was, if not more.

Jack looked away, adjusting the strap across his chest. "Okay, then."

It was like the world's most awkward first date, the supernatural creature edition. Jack knew Tiberius wanted to hold his hand, just as much as Jack wanted his hand to be held, but Tiberius walked alongside him through the forest at an even pace and didn't look at him once. It was a nightmare.

He wanted to ask when Tiberius's heat was if only to provoke some kind of reaction out of him, but as they had Everett walking just a few paces ahead, he had the decency to keep his mouth shut.

"Are you cold?" Tiberius asked at one point during the trek. "Do you want my jacket?"

"Uh, no, thank you."

As they crossed the bridge—

"Be careful."

"I'm fine."

The Wolf Crown (The Wolf Kings #2) (MLM)Where stories live. Discover now