VR Sim P3

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Not many can say they are surprised easily, to the jedi who use to force to sense their surroundings, to a harden clone whos battlefield senses are always sharp, or even the best of assassins droids who sensors are of the highest grade. However for those within and watching a VR simulation to see Milo, MILO ! The representative of Earth standing in front of those who volunteered to go into a simulation of what is one of Earths bloodist battles came as an absolute shock to everyone.

Which is why their reactions is a justified "WHAT!?"

"What do you mean "What?" I was just congradulating you on a job well done on the artillery base. Now, I am sad to say, that this isn't the end, hell if that could stop the Commies, I would have marched an army up there, but, they have a base across the way, and before we can assault it, we need 4 objectives completed." Milo said, looking at the 8, as he walked to the table and with a swagger stick, pointed to the map marker.

Satine coughs a bit as she tries to get things moving, "and those would be General?"

Dooku nods in agreement as they gather around the holographic map, while not as advanced as the standard holo projector, it is impressive none the less for pre-war Terra.

"Objective #1, the taking out the fuel depot for make shift tanks the Chinese are using.

Objective #2, Clearing a located listening post, this will provide us air support with out the enemy AA taking it out.

Objective #3, Taking out the generators at the southern end of the Pulse Fence.

Objective #4, Securing the forward Artillery position that will provide heavy support and striking the enemy base directly."

Rex nods as says, "any order recommended in taking out the objectives General?" He asks because the way each of these were laid out seemed like they each were important, however Visla also added, "each of these is gonna have well entrenched forces, they wont be easy to remove."

"The Fuel depot has a back pass, allowing a strike team to take out the enemy and get closer than a frontal assault. Forward Observers are reporting they have few of the makeshift tanks, they can be taken out by small arms fire easily.

The listening post isn't heavily defended, more meant to just scramble our own transmissions and intercept our Outbound calls.

The Generators are defended, but with air support, or even artillery support, you can flush the reds out of their positions with ease as you assault the position.

The Artillery position will need to be held, as we move the artillery up to the position." Milo said, pointing to each position on the Map.

"The strategic value of the air control is valuable, I think it would be best we take control of the Listening Post first, then with Air support, tactical teams will infiltrate the positions, and call in Air strikes. We can then combine forces to move the artillery up and strike the enemy from a forward position." Dooku explained, stroking his beard.

Visla nods as Satine adds, "with their air control knocked out we can move on the fuel depot and cut off their supply of armor and fuel for their front line forces."

Rex then adds, "after that we can help secure that position for the guns so they can provide fire support for the assault on the generators."

"The Generators power the Pulse fence, it will fry our heavy support as we charge the enemy trenches. We got a Power Armor Company ready to push the line, and dislodge them from their compound. Before we can however, the generator needs to be down. Then our Boys can advance and support the assault." Milo said, his arms crossed.

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