Super Mutants

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(Palpatine and the senators only chapter)

Palpatine sat in his office, he had made contact with Dooku, and had learned that he had also found one of these probes, however the AI was different, it was, swavy, business men like, clear and was rather direct outside of the messages. Palpatine scowled, could there be others? Who has them? Where could they be? He asked himself.

Palpatine had to suppress his anger, as he heard a ping announcing that some Senators were coming into his office. Entering the office was Padme, Bail, Tal Merrick, Mon Mothma, Mee Deechi and Halle Burtoni entered. Mas Amedda walked in.

"The senators have requested to join for the next video." Mas said.

"I wonder what we shall learn of from this log." Padme said.

"I hope it is something better than the vaults." Mon Mothma said.

The machine was brought into the room, and the Holographic woman appeared, walking in and having papers exit the probe's slot.

"Today is one that is interesting. I have some reading materials blocked, strange, well, this is information on the next subject." the AI said, as she tried to grab the papers, only for a senate guard to grab them and hand them to the senators.

"Thank you, it seems that I forget I'm mostly light now." the AI said.

Everyone looked at the papers they were handed, they read "Forced Evolutionary Virus"

The AI began to log.

When the great war annihilated civilization the survivors lost their loved ones their homes and their worldly goods they endured a daily search for food water and medicine they also had to seek out their lost identities.

*Shows ruins of a super duper mart, bodies on the ground, shelves near empty*

The Senators who had seen it, were saddened to see the struggle.  Halle Burtoni, however seemed indifferent, her people had dealt with tragedy, and found it easy to move on from it, Tal Merrick was also indifferent, it was a history Mandalore knew and now was lacking sympathy for those who failed to learn the same mistakes. 

People have always defined themselves by the work they do, the place they live, the things they own. In a great war it wasn't just buildings that were destroyed, entire cultures were erased from history in the brutal years that followed. The survivors had to define themselves again, find meaning in their existence or face a metaphorical loss of their humanity.

*Shows group at a table talking, eating, fades to a couple at a bar, a bar tender getting them drinks*

"Much like us, we build ourselves to our roles. So, the question of importance is, what happens when that is removed." Mee Deechi said.

But a much more literal threat to their humanity was already in place, waiting quietly beneath the desert for someone to stumble across it. Someone did, nearly a century after the war, and that threat came closer to extinguishing humanity than all the bombs and guns of the old wars.

*shows large green figures with scrap metal armor inside of a vault area*

Everyone became quiet as they began to see the signs of what this log was about.

A single neutron passing through a strand of dna can cause a cancerous tumor. But a lifetime of exposure to unprecedented amounts of atomic fallout will have wildly unpredictable results. After a few generations of passing on this defective dna a species will begin to mutate. That explains many of the strange beasts running around the wasteland but not all of them.

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