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The day of new logs had come, and for now it was going to be presented to the ruling bodies of both Republic and C.I.S. of course for three certain persons, they had a plan they would be enacting to expose the truth to the rest of the galaxy.

Stepping out of the room which held the Senates probe Bail smiled, "It was good talking to you. Looking forward to what you present to us today." Bail walks away from the room, once far enough away he speaks softly into a communicator.

"Its done phase one is a go." He says before moving to the Senate chambers.

While Bail and the small conspiracy was busy, across the Galaxy, on the planet of Raxus, capital of the CIS, the parliament chambers was thin of representatives as the logs were not viewed as an "important" matter, so only a handful of representatives arrived. Most that were present were there to take notes and to summarize the events and knowledge.

Mina Bonteri had brought her son, who had heard of the logs and wished to see one, had accompanied his mother. Dooku sat in a chair in a podium, with Ventress, who leaned near against a wall near by her master. 4 tactical droids were also there to watch and record, to give their own summery to senators and generals that requested the log's "valuable information"

"My master, I did not expect to be here in person, did you not have a more pressing matter for me to take part in?" Ventress said.

"These logs, may be more pressing with knowledge than we could ever expect. The last log ended with only a glance at a city that had not just survived the end of their world, but seemingly became a beacon in the world that came from it. This information could be some of the most important we could receive." Dooku explained to his apprentice.

He had a chair moved next to him, letting Ventress sit, he would need to teach her that simple starts, can lead to a complex evolution, and if Ventress was to aid in Dooku's take over of the Sith, she would need to know what he knew.

"Much like how the NCR was just a simple village, it would become a powerful force in time." Dooku added.

Lux had always been a curious child. He had only gotten to see the summery logs, that was available due to his Mother's position. He didn't see much of the visuals, or all of the information, just the parts labeled as "important for understanding". Due to this, he had been open minded about what he thought he knew. His opinion on both the NCR and Legion were mixed, due to the files being edited, and had limited knowledge of the factions.

The Legion did seem bad, however....maybe there was some good in there. The NCR was much the same, seemed to be good, but they had their dark side showing just a bit.

The Brotherhood were also weirdly placed in his mind, east was clearly the "better half" of the brotherhood, while the west seemed to be lost in their old ways. The Enclave, were however, set in his mind as evil, their actions had set that in stone. Vault tec was also pretty bad, from the limited information, the twisted nature, they had been easily locked in as evil in Lux's mind.

That simply left the Super Mutants. He did not want to judge, if most were evil due to being controlled and manipulated, he could not judge them truthfully.

Mina smiled towards her son. She had seen the files, and was starting the ground works of a committee, one that would be created to help this planet once found. The pressing matter was the East coast, how to deal with all the mutants there. The next part would be dealing with Caesar and his legion, that bastard should know the name of the WOMAN who lead to his defeat.

However, she was patient, and was grateful for the probe itself, being able to create nearly anything, she had received two bottles of Nuka Cola, and held the cold glass bottle in her hand, setting one next to her, for her son.

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