Call of the Krivbeknih

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General Quinlan Vos was working to reclaim a seperatist held planet for the Republic, once more trenches were dug and the battle was slow, as the droids had fortified a city.

Quinlan Vos was standing near the edge of a trenchline, he was sitting on a few boxes, Clones all around him were kneeling, their blasters pointed up as they bowed their heads.

"From the reading of Ezekiel 25:17." He began to read from his Warrior bible as he began to walk down the rows of the praying clones whos armor color was a mixture of dark purple strips with red crosses over their hearts.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men." Vos spoke in a simple leveled voice.

"Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children." Quinlan Turned as he started to walk back towards the ladder leading to the battlefield standing in the open now, activating his lightsaber he aimed it to the sky as he began to raise his voice.

"And I WILL STRIEK DOWN! Upon thee with GREAT VENGENACE! And furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers! AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE LORD! When I lay my vengeance upon you!" As his blade pointed to the sky, and lowered a orbital bombardment began to fire down upon the city, blasting apart the fortifications, as Y-wings began a dive bomb on the city as well which resulted in the clones behind Vos shouting a combined "AMEN!" Before charging over the top towards the besieged city.

Shaak Ti was in the temple on Coruscant, one of her more frequent visits now. She was in the infirmery, checking on the injured. Resting a hand on one jedi's head, she looked down at them.

"What troubles you my child?" She asked, worried as they looked as if they had not slept in a long time.

"I can not sleep, I see those who I fail, the pain they suffered for me not being able to save them. It's my fault, I am a failure." the knight said, as they looked up at Shaak Ti.

"Let me tell you the words of Colossian, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Shaak Ti said, placing her hand over the heart of the Jedi.

"Rest, and hold no pain in your heart, for the lord grants you peace as you rest your head." She spoke softly.

Shaak Ti seemingly glowed in the light of the Infirmary, a beacon of hope and peace in the halls of injured, and fearful. As she left, several jedi were standing outside, seeing her and they followed her. As a youngling, one who was too young to be a learner approached.

"Mother! Mother! We are happy to see you here!" they said, smiling.

"It is a blessed day to see your innocent smiles, let us be happy the lord has given us this peace." She said, rubbing the head of the youngling, who smiled and laughed.

"Indeed it is Mother superior Shaak Ti." Shaak Ti couldn't help but smile as she looks up to see the neutral face of her fellow Mother Superior and jedi master Luminara who is now seen dressed in a new outfit which seems to represent her verses the snow white attire of Shaak Ti.

Luminara's robes were black, except for a section near the bottom, which was white. She had a white halfcape over her shoulders that connected to her white sleeves. Over top a black hood, that connected to a cloth that wrapped around her body, with a final long strip of cloth handing before her body. Her hands were now covered by black gloves, as they were crossed in front of her.

"I take it your teaching these younglings of the kindness and responsibilities we have?" Shaak Ti asked.

"I am teaching them discipline and respect, the role we have, and how to act. It is best we continue with the lesson." Luminara explained, as she looked down at the children.

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