Chapter 35

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At 7 o'clock in the evening, the night was dark, and the environmentally friendly palace was pitch black. Lian Yu put on a special mask and disappeared into the night.

Xu Zizhuo sat outside the guest room, looking thoughtful as he watched the disappearing figure. He took his snacks and went to the flower room to find Yun Yanqiu for tea.

"Your Highness, is that the Thousand-Mile Light you got back from Lian Yu?"

The timing was perfect. Yun Yanqiu turned around and nodded slowly.

It seemed that the two of them had reached some unnamed agreement.

Lian Yu covered the kaleidoscope's flashy shell with pure black frosted stickers, entered the mecha in the blind spot of the patrol aircraft, and flew close to the ground.

When rebuilding the kaleidoscope, Lian Yu considered that the two of them would have to rely on it to fly out of the central star in the future. She focused on strengthening its flying ability, making it fly steadily and quietly. The black kaleidoscope perfectly blended into the night.

The exhibition hall is located outside the palace and is open to imperial residents on weekdays. For just 15 stars, they can enter to appreciate the history of imperial mechas and excellent mecha exhibitions. Often, after visiting, mecha masters have sudden realizations and create iterative mechas that combine the designs of their predecessors with their own insights. Lian Yu is not included in this, as she belongs to the level of being exhibited.

The exhibition hall is open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. , and it is now closed.

Lian Yu took more than 20 minutes to reach her destination. The pure distance may not have taken so long, but avoiding cameras and patrol aircraft was not an easy task. The exhibition hall looks pitch black from the outside, heavy and solemn, with only faint yellow light leaking through the cracks. Perhaps the display lights of the exhibits were not turned off.

After several days of forced memory, she knew the structure and division of the exhibition hall like the back of her hand. She even knew how many bricks were laid in each exhibition hall.

Several royal guards responsible for patrol were squatting at the door chatting, their topics ranging from what to eat tomorrow to how much bonus they would receive next month, with a few curses mixed in. They thought the person who organized the lights-off event was a big idiot. Lian Yu disagreed. The lights-off event was simply the highest level of performance art for interstellar humans. Otherwise, how could she take advantage of it?

Three short and sharp whistle sounds came from the back of the exhibition hall, from another guard. The whistle meant that the two teams would switch positions clockwise and check the inside of the exhibition hall.

Lian Yu put away her mecha and found a spot by the wall that was not within the monitoring range. She did not choose to enter through the main or side entrance.

The exhibition hall had been built for a certain number of years and was considered an antique. Many of the monitoring devices inside were broken. For hundreds of years, only the access control had been upgraded, and the walls and internal measures had not been upgraded. It was too risky to sneak in near the door.

So she took out her laser knife and cut a hole in the wall that was just big enough to get in. This was inspired by the black-clad person who gave her the idea last week.

She crawled through the hole and, as she expected, did not trigger the alarm.

Lian Yu walked lightly and, according to the distribution map of the monitoring devices in her memory, started with the broken ones. She didn't have to worry about being recognized by the few blurry images captured.

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