Chapter 6

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At exactly 11 o'clock in the evening, the novice crew member Lian Yu began her first job. She went to the armory and picked up two energy knives, putting one in her belt. Then, she began patrolling while checking her light brain.

This spaceship is a large one. The cargo for this transport is stored on the negative first and second floors, which are guarded by specialists. Those areas have nothing to do with her as a small fry.

Lian Yu's patrol range covers every corner from the first to the fourth floor.

The first floor is an activity area, such as a chess and card room. There is a table of Alpha playing mahjong, with intense competition and no clear winner. Everyone's luck, skill, and size are inversely proportional, making it a battle of the weak. Lian Yu glanced at their cards and saw that there was still a game to be played.

When she passed by, a big-bearded man A in an advanced crew uniform stopped her and tried to get information about the other players' cards. He was quickly slammed onto the table by a handsome woman A sitting next to him.

The woman A with a neat high ponytail smiled at her, full of ambition. "You go do your job. I'm going to win back all of his underwear today."

Lian Yu said, "Okay, good luck. Bye." Sister, actually, you two have similar card skills.

After leaving the chess and card room, she turned to the next door's game room, which had four game cabins but six people gathered around, making it difficult to allocate. A muscular man A in a vest knelt on the ground and hammered the floor, "Heaven has eyes. I've only played for an hour and a half this week. Why did the anti-addiction system suddenly activate?"

Seeing her, Lu Qi, who was standing on the side watching, waved at her. Lian Yu walked over.

The tall man A with the game helmet in his hand held back a laugh and quickly got into the game cabin, pressing the red button on his side. The transparent shell of the game cabin slowly lowered. Seeing the game cabin enter full lockdown mode, the malicious Loki spoke to the people on the ground, "Wang Kade stole your game time."

After hearing this, Vest A reacted and angrily hammered the game cabin where the tall person was.

Loki said, "In order to prevent the crew from becoming too addicted to games during their free time, the captain asked professional technicians to set a weekly game time limit for each person, which the captain kindly calls 'anti-addiction mode'."

Lian Yu noticed that the transparent shell of one of the game cabins was slowly turning black. "What's going on?"

Loki said disdainfully, "It means he's playing games that he doesn't want others to see."

Lian Yu, who had also experienced the game cabin, asked, "Does the Empire's game library have this kind of game?"

Loki walked up and pressed the "clean and disinfect" button on the outside of the game cabin. "I told you, we have professional technicians."

Lian Yu: ". . . . . ."

She said goodbye to Loki and checked the spaceship's glass seams along the outer corridor.

Alpha was full of energy, with an average sleep time of one o'clock at night. Now it was the nightlife that everyone enjoyed. The quiet spaceship in the afternoon seemed to come alive as she walked along the empty corridor, with shouts coming from all directions. She even heard the sound of Alpha giving orders in the second-floor restaurant. A few months ago during her escape, she hid in a narrow emergency spacecraft. Afraid of exposing herself through the terminal positioning function, she left it in the mecha control room, which should have been reduced to rubble by the massive explosion. She could only rely on the old-fashioned paper map in the spacecraft to manually control the direction.

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