Chapter 31

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"My room is upstairs," Yun Yanqiu said to the emperor.

He hoped his father would stop, as it was impolite for strangers to enter Omega's room, and it was also an insult to Omega.

The emperor still smiled and remained indifferent, allowing others to act. Three men in black squeezed past him with their equipment.

Yun Yanqiu stumbled and was supported by the butler. He looked coldly at the man in front of him who should have been called his father, and his determination grew stronger.

He wanted to leave.

Even Lian Yu was not suitable to stay here, and he wanted to persuade her to leave with him.

He calculated in his heart that he already had a mecha, and with a little modification to Lian Yu's, the two of them could sit on one mecha and leave secretly. It shouldn't be difficult.

But the most urgent thing was to hide Lian Yu.

The stairs leading to his bedroom from the basement had a lower usage rate compared to the flower room. It was completely Yun Yanqiu's private territory. There was a thin layer of dust on the ground and a few blurry footprints. It was impossible to judge the number and height of the shoe prints by the footprints.

Yun Yanqiu could tell that these shoe prints had been modified by Lian Yu later. He was slightly relieved. If he had the intention to modify his own traces, then hiding his tracks should also be easy for him. On the high wall to the right of the middle of the stairs, there is a ventilation opening, and the ventilation fan is rotating normally. The black-clothed people feel that there is something unusual in the ordinary and cut it open with a laser knife.

Yun Yanqiu's heart was in his throat, wanting to step forward and say something, but he was held back by the butler who patted his arm to calm him down.

Care brings chaos.

He held his words in his throat, with the thumping sound of his heartbeat mixed with the beeping sound of the black-clothed people's instruments in his ears.

The black-clothed people stretched their heads inside and said, "There's something inside!"

The emperor, who had been standing for a long time and looked a little tired, raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

The leader of the black-clothed people stepped on his companion's shoulder and crawled inside.

Yun Yanqiu pursed his lips tightly and held the butler's sleeve tightly.

"What is this?"

A small robot that was not knee-high was thrown out. The little robot rolled on the ground and stood up, trotting towards Yun Yanqiu.


What is this -

A mechanical kitten?

Yun Yanqiu remembered it. He had joked with Lian Yu about what his birthday present would be, and Lian Yu had sent him a picture of a mechanical kitten. But he never received the gift, and Lian Yu had an accident.

The screw at the fan was tightened tightly, and Lian Yu even had time to stuff a kitten inside.

He completely relaxed and laughed at the dirty mechanical cat rolling on the ground.

The emperor looked at him with fierce eyes. Yun Yanqiu explained that this was his long-lost mechanical kitten. Although the emperor felt he was being fooled, he did not question it too much, after all, this kind of mechanical kitten was an old toy that had been popular decades ago.

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