Chapter 19

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"There should be a key or clue hidden in this room," said Worker A gently in response to Man B's words. "Let's split up and search."

He walked towards the nearest hospital bed and began searching for clues.

Man B looked gratefully at him, and the couple walked towards nearby beds to search.

A small group began to form.

Members of the same kind are always particularly sensitive to each other's breath. Lian Yu looked at Worker A calmly.

Identification complete, it was an Alpha who liked to pretend to be a good person like her.

If it were a normal day, she would have joined the small group, but today she felt a dull pain in the back of her head as soon as she entered the hospital, and didn't feel like interacting with others. She walked past Windbreaker A and went to the nearest bedside table to check for clues in the drawer. He probably felt that his position as captain was being challenged, and stood there angrily.

The second drawer contained a stack of paper documents, with a large "1" written in black paint on the cover, indicating the order of the clue. Lian Yu took them out and placed them on the ground, quickly browsing through them one by one. Windbreaker A also joined the search team in his peripheral vision, while the other three changed to another bed and carefully checked the sheets and seams.

She always felt a vague sense of being watched from behind, whether it was Windbreaker or Worker A, or both, unfortunately she couldn't tell the source, which was annoying.

According to the tone of this amusement park, this simple escape room must not be too difficult. She had to find a chance to go to the room where that man stayed back then. The content of the document has nothing to do with its serious and formal leather cover. Inside, there are hundreds of pages of excellent compositions written by elementary school students, ranging from first to sixth grade, with various word counts and styles, all of which are complete. More than half of the paper's edges are blank and decorated with childlike sketches, and some articles contain some circles and dots.

After Lian Yu finished reading everything, she went back to the first page and connected all the circled words together -

"Dad sent me here half a month ago. He said I could see Mom here, but I haven't found Mom yet. When can I go home?"

At the same time, Work Clothes A found a rusty key on the window sill.

She shared her discovery with others.

Woman B whispered her thoughts, her voice sweet enough to be cloying, "Is this child being monitored, so he can only communicate his thoughts in this way?"

Man B's mind wandered, "Will we have a chase later?"

Work Clothes A shook the key in her hand, "Shall we try the key first?"

Although the key was not labeled with a door number, they found the corresponding one without much effort, which was 202 across the hall.

They opened the door of 202, which had a similar layout and the same six sickbeds. They found a collection of compositions in the bedside table and a new key behind the oil painting frame on the wall, which they used to open 203.

Windcoat A frowned and pressed the intercom button, "Has there been no change in your checkpoint settings?"

Hearing his displeased voice, the staff chuckled, "How could that be, hahaha. . ."

Then, they used the key found in room 203 to open room 204, used 204 to open 205, used 205 to open 206. . .

Endless nesting.

Handsome Omega Pursues Plumbing Worker [Female A Male O] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now