Chapter 15

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"Bai Hongda, who is he?" Yun Yanqiu looked at the butler who walked in.

The butler bent down to fill the glasses on the table with water for him, "Mr. Bai's father is the marshal of the Chenxi Army of the Chenxi Star, and His Majesty values him very much."

"Your Highness, do you want me to find a new bottle to put these candies in?" He looked at the blanket full of candies, and the water kettle in his hand stopped in mid-air.

"No need, just leave them here, and help me get another cup."

"Okay." The butler left the room to get him a new cup.

Yun Yanqiu thought of the information the butler had mentioned to him before about "the emperor's poor health condition." Was the rush to arrange this marriage an attempt to win over the other side? He rubbed his eyes. He hadn't rested well these past few days, traveling with Jiang Feiyu in space.

He sent a message to the butler, telling him not to come and pour water for him anymore, and not to wake him up tomorrow morning.

The butler replied immediately, "Okay."

Yun Yanqiu went to bed and fell into a deep sleep soon after.

But the next morning at 7:30, he was awakened by the butler. "Your Highness, Lady Bai is here to visit you. I have already led her to the reception room."

Yun Yanqiu, still half-asleep, asked, "Who is Lady Bai?"

"Bai Hongda's mother, the marriage partner chosen for you by His Majesty," the butler reminded him. After speaking, he glanced at the terminal and added, "Your Highness, she has already urged you twice. Although it is true that she did not choose a good time, His Majesty arranged for you and Bai Hongda to be married yesterday, so we cannot refuse her."

Yun Yanqiu sighed, got up, and freshened up. Within twenty minutes, he faced Lady Bai, who clearly had ill intentions towards him, with a perfect appearance.

Lady Bai was probably in her early forties, with no obvious wrinkles on her face and well-maintained. If one ignored the uncomfortable shrewdness in her eyes, one could honestly praise her as being eighteen years old. Her long hair was styled into a complex bun, her waist was tightly bound, and she wore a light golden floral dress with intricate patterns and a complex hem, which was the favorite outfit of married Omega from the central star's nobility.

However, her elegant and retro dress was not in line with her strong attitude. In just twenty minutes, Lady Bai broke through the servants' refusal line and wandered around his reception area, eventually arriving at the flower room. When Yun Yanqiu walked to the outside of the flower room, two groups of servants were standing outside, clearly divided into two sides. One side was helpless, while the other was arrogant. Based on this, one could guess their master's attitude towards himself.

The flower room had always been his private domain, and forcing his way in was really lacking in manners. Yun Yanqiu's smile was much colder and less sincere, tending more towards the formal expression of the royal family.

Lady Bai saw him coming and first looked him up and down with a hint of contempt, then launched into a barrage of flower care instructions.

"This rose looks like it hasn't been taken care of properly, it's wilted. Why don't you trim its branches and leaves? You're neglecting the small things and losing sight of the big picture, you really have no foresight."

"Why did you turn this originally dense wisteria into this appearance?" "Why add such a lowly wild chrysanthemum among the blooming flowers? Its taste is really not commendable. Your Highness still has a lot to learn."

Handsome Omega Pursues Plumbing Worker [Female A Male O] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now