Chapter 20.

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Journey POV.
its June 12 2023. I'm with the boys. we're going to some where out in no where. I'm on 36 weeks now. we have every thing we need but just not put up yet we're moving so fun. any way Ryan was talking. we are going to make history. would you like to know why why and how how because we're gonna do an investigation as per usual but this one has to do with a very unfortunate event that had taken place in this area not only that dealing with a skinwalker as well oh wow fantastic I'm sorry no I think actually it's right around this corner too it says that it's over towards the left but I mean it's nothing but Fields exactly we are investigating a bush yeah we've been bamboozled we've been Bulls oh that's it no. why is there only one small house on such a big piece of land we're investigating the house in the middle of now here like Courage the Cowardly Dog just weird happens out here all the time oh my God a wild skin walker oh there's a wild horse right there what do wild Skin Walkers like to eat probably people that'd be my best guess I think I'd hope some grass oh by any chance are you the skinwalker that people see oh my god dude it's out there bro oh my God we might have to blur that you are definitely a skin walker whoa I don't want to get too close I'm scared well it so fast it's like he does not like me I go to him and man excuse me sir by any chance are you the father all right guys all the fun and games I think it's time to learn the history this location is one of the most requested by you guys on our Channel because of the strange and unusual occurrences that happen on a daily basis not only is this place very well known for a quadruple homicide but there are dozens of reports of a very odd creature. roaming around on this land and some say that it could be a skinwalker Spirit a shape shifter it easily ranks as the most intensely studied paranormal hotspot in history The Haunted Ranch has yet to reveal its ultimate Secrets running out of breath just Pace skinwalkers are known to be able to shape shift or mimic certain animals and some times even people this one in particular likes to lure people close to it by acting like an injured animal one of these stories in particular involves a man who is out fishing behind the abandoned house on this property now we heard what sounded like an injured dog so he decided to go and investigate when he got to the area where he thought these sounds were coming from he found absolutely nothing only to start hearing the same exact sounds from where he had just come from he had then turned around to witness what he described as a slender pale human like figure coming out of the bushes where he just once was immediately as you can imagine he ran out of there in fear for his life and called the authorities but when they got there there was absolutely nothing to be found most of the report reports about the skin walker activity are very similar so with out getting too much into detail we are also here for the victims of the quadruple homicide in April of 1991 on the road right in front of this property the Greenwood family would face an unfortunate Fate The Mother Elizabeth and her three children Derek Linda and stormy had unfortunately been shot by their own father this man's name was David and apparently they were in the middle of moving to Oregon and had no reason to be in this area apparently this man had a reputation of being very abusive and an alcoholic eventually this would all boil over and turn into violence taking the lives of his family along with his own after before taking his own life the sheriff's office is asking people for their help in identifying who is responsible it goes with out saying that this location has quite a dark story to it so our goal here tonight is to see if we can come in contact with this family or see that strange creature for our selves it's a 50 50 chance. guys enjoy this terrifying episode okay guys we are here at the Truckee my friends listen we are here today why are we here Wyatt a very long time ago a guy kind of went crazy his whole family and himself some where in this area some where give us a little wiggle not only that a lot of people have come out here trying to get in touch with their spirits and have seen some thing else what is that Wyatt the skinny winnies the skinny boys I'm leaving hey come back we actually kind of wait my camera's on the roof I'm tired it's Cameron he actually tried to leave us he really did what kind of was that I was more worried about my camera he already dropped one in the River Pond thing that is true you little I did not wait a second you're about to peel out with my camera that was Mother Earth nature hey hey it's okay it's okay we don't mind it happens some times you guys don't understand go down in the comments right now you don't understand the way that they treat me oh and you need to say mama llama honestly why between me and you think about this we could tie River to a chair blindfolded and we'll just get you leave them in the basement there first we'll get pizza no no no no even better Sushi we'll get sushi oh you wouldn't what do you mean what do you. Truckee River murder house and um ultimately we're here to try to find out if we can come in contact with the people that apparently got married and then like white saying people have been seeing some sort of creepy spooky skeleton guy well the only way we're gonna find out put your hands together on the count of three murder squirter two three Truckee River got a sliver tie up River ouch let's do this boys beautiful tonight we came over here to try and figure out what exactly happened to you to the family your father David apparently he had murdered you for no reason so if the family is still here or even David if you can answer a couple of questions we are here to find out what your story is we know that this was once your house now we are here with nothing but respect whoa what I really hope that's on my audio I swear to God that sounded like some thing metal getting dragged right back here that actually scared me is there some body out there mind you this was once native land as well so there's another story that says that there's some sort of creature which is what we've dealt with multiple times a skinwalker we have these devices here if you can see them some of them light up one is down under this house it's lighting up red and one is over there on that deck that was once a part of the house that's lighting up blue if you walk up to those those devices will sense how much energy you're producing and they will start to buzz and light up all kinds of different colors it'll just let us know that you are around us and you do understand what we are saying hole what the no shot thank you now before we do start asking all kinds of questions and we do bring out another device that you can use your words and speak to us I'd like to properly introduce the three of us my name is Ryan my name is Wyatt and my name is River now here's a little question we have also at some point this used to be native land so if you know any information about this there's a spiritual entity that is apparently wandering this land still to this day and what they call it starts with an S so if at some point in time you would like to let us know what they are that would be great but for now we are not here just for that we would like to have a conversation with the family if that is okay whoever is down there thank you that was weird man that was like right away first things first let's bring out our devices let's see if they want to have a conversation with us which would be great now right now Wyatt and I are bringing out devices that you can use your words whether it's one word or a whole sentence so if you can please come and speak into this device right here here we go quiet who's that what the. was that you heard that too I did who is here with us right now can you what the. was that I don't know was that below that was below are you down there is there some body down there nope give us a sign can you make that device down there go off again please if the creature is here the native Spirit if you are around us can you please make yourself known show your appearance yeah is some thing lurking out there right now seems like it right the reason I when you pointed at me a minute ago I heard what sounded like rumbling like rustling that's exactly what I heard yeah man just said man what is this David keeper Keeper of the land man keeper what the. keeper either that like land or no Spirit no Spirit no it's the family here any of the family members are you still here is this still considered your home if at any point in time you would like help from us to get out of here we would love to try our best dead end dead end careful you almost just fell through oh yeah this uh not gonna lie this area is crazy oh man freaking creepy what do you mean there's no Spirit here you know what I said the Native American Spirit entity yes spiritual entity yo so you think they're saying I'm not a spirit do you see this says kill them run I see you I see you I don't know that's weird why would those be on the walls here it was definitely a house because look right here was was a bathroom yeah complete bathroom what the. is that do you see this yeah weird symbol what is that please continue to talk to us I'm gonna stick this music did you just hear that what right when I walked up I heard knocking just like that like some body just knocked to come in I swear on every thing oh I swear I'm gonna set this music box facing outside to see if maybe some body will walk in right here why are you here is there a reason for that angry why are you angry don't be afraid of us please nothing down there there's no bug destroy why are you angry destroy see what the. dude I just watched that there's nothing there whoa dude we can't see you is there any way you can maybe make your way up here help us just said help us help us correct whoa what do you need help with can you maybe tell us that if you tell us what we can do you good why what's up ah dude I have a gnarly light Ryan look ball it's it just said Skinwalker holy. there's no don't worry what is going on this is weird yeah help us correct skin walker don't worry did you catch that if any thing that camera out there caught it what the. is going on dude wow you good look you're red there brother I know I had like a gnarly burning what the. what do you think some thing touched him I don't know that was instant at the very beginning when we just started you said there's some thing that people see here yeah it starts with an S well you didn't say say the word I did you did work yes why should we not worry is that who is down there is that what is down there below us continue to show us that you're here if you need energy we have devices that you can use to gather and manifest more what is it that you want you said destroy is it because this area has been taken over had been taken from the natives if that's the case I apologize has nothing to do with us right out there I just grabbed you because I heard it in the window again yeah were you talking about noises outside yeah guys this run pod just went off it sounds like crunching some body's slowly approaching right now stepping on the bushes if there's some where you'd like us to go maybe you can make a noise some thing distinctive so that we know it's you command do you want us to go down there is that what you want seems like some body's down there unless if you have that much power and you're just around us if it is a skinwalker apparently you have lots of power there have been studies that prove that when a skin walker is nearby they have been exposed to radiation why is that is it because spiritually you're connected to this earth that's the question that we want to know guys guys no body was walking I saw you two whoa did you just approach us what the actual. was that if this truly is a skin walker be careful what you say no way what okay that's weird we've never gotten any thing like that bro yo talking about Skin Walkers yeah and I was just talking about how they can radiate we don't know I mean like that's just kind of like what's been proven is when these creatures these spiritual entities what ever they are apparently they produce lots of radiation how is that how is that possible we don't know yeah now is it true we don't have a meter to indicate if we are taking in any I want to know if the family is near us to the spirits here the people the family that was killed by their father all we know of what happened to you is that you were found dead out here no one knows why he decided to do this or why you were even out here in the first place you weren't supposed to be here watch out watch out we came here to try and get some answers not only for you but for us can you tell us exactly what happened why he decided to do this okay both both what the. I might have been correct I don't know if any body is down there I think whatever it is has so much energy that they can just do this I was just gonna say I'm starting to wonder if the skinwalker thing has something to do with him wigging out every body you think so I don't know David any of the family members are you here if you are can you please speak into one of these devices and let us know your name so that we know you are here I don't want to say the family members names yeah because if I say it what if the skin walker is just gonna. with us do we know the family members names yes it's documented this is 100 exactly where every thing happened about it if the skin walker did have some thing to do with their deaths legit they were supposed to be in Oregon they weren't even supposed to be here there's no reason why they were here at all disagree they weren't supposed to be here whoa down there can some body walk into this door way right in front of us you have permission some body had walked by one of our devices had picked up your movement that's a good grab Duty there's nothing was this once your land maybe we should make our way out there what if we go out there the territory is just completely his that's the thing yes did you just hear some one walking now I did I was just gonna say when it comes to demons and spirits you have to invite them in for them to come and approach you but if we're out there on his land his or her land whatever their land that might change some and I have a device that I really want to use it's a night vision pair of binoculars if any thing happens around us I should concern I should be able to catch some thing what do you guys think yeah it's just a concern yeah what if the family's concerned Ryan's talking about going outside right now outside of this house and it says concern I say we go out there might as well house just rattled and it is not windy what so ever we're gonna make our way out to your area again what the going on if you're right about what ever energy Hunter are we being hunted right now I don't know we should go out there I know it's a bad idea but this could probably give us an opportunity a chance to capture some thing there's some thing around here the device said skin walker right off the bat so if that's not saying some thing then I don't know what sorry what did that just that just it just said died in street they were found inside the cab of a truck on the side of this road no way yeah not even kidding no vision oh I don't know man no vision like we can't see them watching you no vision watching you what the. does that mean oh we're about to go outside dude we're gonna rage four Spirits in total five of them died he the four of them and then himself no way yeah maybe he's like a skin walker and I don't know I don't know if that's possible I don't know well here's the thing dude skin walkers are known to shape shift what if it wasn't even the dad what if it wasn't even David what if Skin walker killed all of them and David's some where else maybe David died some where else and the skin walker took his place that's what I was trying to say earlier when I said maybe the skin walker had some thing to do with it oh my God help us again help us again did you hear that right before that happened guys my device just said call out for me oh finish what you were trying to see and let's get the out here I was gonna say so there's this under part and over there there's the second under part dude it literally sounded like some thing was crawling up out of the under part we're gonna make our way out here then if you want to show yourself show yourself that's why we're here did you have a part in this family did you take their lives there's nothing we can do to you let's go where are you skin walker you just told me to call out to you what happened on this land do not go no way bro I'm seeing an orb right in front of me I just watched it I'm watching it there's an orb floating right in the field flame in front it's just that I'm in front I just captured an orb floating all the way over there and it was just floating wait it legit just said I'm in front as you captured that dude I see you this is weird dude you can see us but why can't we see you what did you hear that term I find you can you prove to us that you're here uh what what is that in front of me what I don't see any thing I don't know it's just standing still what no they are coming for you who the is they yo what the is going on man who is coming for us should we be worried what I just said Elizabeth what what that was the wife's name no no way night nightmare I mean that was a nightmare having your husband murder your whole family you're positive 100 whoa what strange creature and then it says single like I won knew it bro as soon as we come out here dude this is its territory yo I'm kind of freaked out man let me rephrase that I'm actually freaked out I will leave what do you mean is this a nice skin walker are skin walker's nice do we know no how do you know what if they're nice Elizabeth the mother are your kids here too if the children are here can you please make your selves known are you the ones who keep warning us about this creature whistling did you hear that that was some of the most prominent whistling we've ever you scared them away did it just say friend I did it said friend you scared them away we scared the spears away I don't know bottom under the house that's what I was saying I heard it down there some Screaming it sounds like a human can you do that again I hear him should we go that way yeah keep making noises please I see a black a random Black Mass what yeah just a random black mask it's not moving so it could just be over there uh what my device just said he loved Sun love is the key love is the key what does that mean did they even have a son they did they did he loved Sun love is the key what the. does that mean I don't know the creature that's out here the entity or any body else if you can let us know through this device right here again what is out here you said it once before what are you why can we not see you are you around us did you have some thing to do with that family getting killed danger danger some body's warning us about some thing are we in danger should we not be here definitely they just answered yes probably probably definitely and probably are they just not wanting to show them selves both of you both of you both of you there's three of us what what I'm gonna ask you a question whistle for me it just said whistle for me land land whistle for me and land I'm gonna ask you a question right now and you better answer correctly or you're screwed are you a skin walker no that's what a skin walker would say I uh I sure hope not if we whistle for you will you show yourself to us will you answer our questions what does whistling do exactly apparently it's supposed to draw them to you and it's almost like it's an invite for them to I guess either make their attack or show them selves that's just what people say correct oh my God bro. correct okay we're gonna whistle then will you tell us what you are inside what no can you do that again please I will what the. did we actually just hear a whistle 100 doodle we I don't know whistle again said you were going to be crawling on the floor what through the bushes oh maybe they mean like well even when we were in the house on the deck wait that's what it sounded like it sounded like some body was approaching us the music box even caught some body coming around my question is are skin walkers able to hide them selves like they sure can like ghosts do yeah really sure can yeah yes what dude yes what the. this is getting weird they're like answering all this when we're talking about it that might be it it's probably because we have the lights on I'm gonna stop this so that means that we have to go night vision yes I think we should do if you guys don't want to do it obviously I say things that are a little bit maybe too much some times but if you guys don't feel comfortable with that that's totally fine I don't care but maybe we should at least give it a try go lights out I'ma shut this off and then we'll see what we can get at some point I want to try and see if we can get an EVP maybe down under the house but for now let's go lights out and see what happens we turn the lights out whoever whistled at us whoever told us to whistle for you we just want to know where you are there's no need to hide you can show yourself there's a windmill right here I'm going to set this Rim pod right on the windmill a long time ago we came over here before we started doing this paranormal stuff we were kind of catching the feel of just exploring and figuring things out but there was a time I remember when we were standing right there in the doorway and we saw what looked it's weird we saw what looked like a gray figure it was very odd we weren't filming so you know but I'm going to set the rent pod right there and we'll see what happens what did you just hear that no it's almost wrong it hurts what some thing just got thrown if you can come close we want to see you at this point we know some body's here can you give us a sign now that we turn the lights off dude every wait wait wait should I get the Drone up yes grab the Drone grab the Drone give me that flashlights in my back pocket walk back walk back it just said walk back some body's telling us to go I'm trying to catch it I can't I got you they're over there this is crazy yeah it's coming I'm looking for it guys did you just hear that voice dude guys he's coming they're coming they're coming he's coming dude it's like he's hurt it's like he's trying to get our attention I'm gonna catch this right now watch it be a human he's coming okay right now we are putting up the Drone because there are coyotes around us every time we go and do these Skin walker episodes there's coyotes around so now that we have a thermal imaging drone we are throwing it up right now to see how close they really are I see it you see it is it close guys you sure rimp Hut's going off the rempod going off oh music box where the. did it go dude it can't be far it cannot be far it was right here you tell me it's gone baby get high Rampart dude I don't here to here to stay whoa I have no idea where it went man where are you we heard you are you showing us what you are are you showing us what you could this was their land this was their land oh my God who. 1800s that sounds like a good year that's accurate whose land the natives we understand we mean no disrespect towards the Native Americans at all like I said we came here to try and document what happened to this family here we do not what is your name my name is Ryan wait you just said we don't mean any disrespect to the Native Americans or any thing yeah it was like it was repeating what you say like confirming that's strange what the. you should leave I'm not seeing anything guys why should we leave what's wrong I just heard it dude where did they go there's no way we threw up the Drone and they were still yelping as soon as we threw the Drone up for real I don't think personally that that is possible no no no I was quick enough man I think I see the it's the Drone that's the light right yeah I'm close enough to the ground come back here for now I hate it come back here for now we'll land the Drone and if it happens again now we are ready this ended up being an insane episode they mean you harm yeah guys some thing's going on right over here oh there's some body around us right now human human you said watch it be a human oh my God why can't we see you how weird is it that see the thing is that is facing that direction to the right of us okay how weird that we hear a coyote and I look there's nothing there for real there's a huge field right over there no way man I would see it that doesn't make sense kills my device just said kill is that what you did to the family did you kill them can you give us a confirmation if that is possible the thing is we know what we are looking for we know what you are and we also know that one thing that you like to do to draw some body towards you is to act like you are hurt and what we heard was a coyote a form that you take sounded like they were in pain is that what you were trying to do this is crazy right now it's quiet I go to check to see if some thing's there there's nothing now bro that legitimately makes no sense the last thing that we need from you is for you to show us what you look like human form I'm here to hurt you I'm here to hurt you move down guys under the house should we make our way under there man oh but here's the thing I want land dangerous land dangerous maybe we should wait hold on I said move down I wonder if the S Walker just said I'm here to hurt you and then the other Spirits were like move down we're safe down here yeah maybe that's what's been going on this whole time the rempod was down there and some body kept warning us when we were in the house that device kept going off maybe we should go down into the basement do an EVP see if we could get some information so let's do an EVP hey there's not much room down here dude what the device just said skin walker as soon as we start walking down to do EVPs we get right here and it says Skin walker literally to the stairs of the basement okay we're making our way under here apparently this is safety you say come on boys what it says skin worker we're going down here oh my god dude you got to fall through this basically careful there's not a whole lot of room down here it's horrible down here okay not the light I'm trying to soft whoever's down here if there really is somebody down here is this safety because if it is now we are down here and we feel like some body was trying to warn us so if you can I have a device right here right did you hear that too right in my hand what we would like you to do is speak loud and clear after we ask a couple of questions and we will be able to hear what your voice actually sounds like you guys ready let's do it first EVP here we go who is down under this house right where we are who is here do you know the name of the man who took your life foreign actually the skinwalker that you've been talking about okay so there's no interference here we go I think I heard yes some thing yeah I could hear some thing there too it's very unclear the only way we're going to be able to actually find out is while we edit because we have headphones and we can really tune into it let's try one more if we don't get any thing super good we need to make our way back out there I understand that down here could be potential safety for us but so far we are getting some crazy evidence closer than we've ever gotten before further what is that I don't know okay here we go David are you here if you are here what did you do to your family what exactly did we hear when we were out there why did you tell us to come down here okay probably a bet I think there's a bat in here Okay let's listen to this and get out here we go oh. up again what the. no wait man that last one's muddy too yeah that just said Skin walker man it sounded like it but I didn't hear the S prominent do you hear his vocal tone it's like hella deep yeah that we gotta get out of here yeah let's get out of here there's a ghost bat in here some where it'll hit me in the head twice we know that this is safety but we're gonna make our way back out there is so much rubble down here that this could not actually be safety for us there could potentially be a rattlesnake down here so let's make our way back out not just that like oh it is bad is it oh it's it almost touched rain okay let's go get out stand here watch your step we're making our way back out here we don't understand why you can't show us what you look like maybe you have maybe we didn't see you if you have that kind of energy to make our other devices go off I have a device a light I'm going to set it right there in the window you'll see where I'm gonna put it down we're gonna ask some questions if you can please turn it on for us use your energy okay flashlight method it's been a while since we've done it so let's do it was that the porch I have no idea that was very loud what okay okay I set it right here we're gonna walk away if some body is here around here can you please turn that light on that's all we're looking for we now know that there is a skin walker here and we understand that that familywas killed here as well whether it's you guys or this strange creature all you have to do is tap that thing to turn it on can anybody do that for us please flashlight whoa what it just said flashlight yes the flashlight can youtouch it the one in the window dude if this really happens that's incredible you're right there turn it on please we know you have the energy we know you have the power contemplate manipulate this is very odd right you know what I'm starting to think of huh earlier it said you scared them away and we heard that coyote yeah right and it disappeared yeah so we might have done some thing that actually legitimately scared him away the thing is whoever is around us they are very smart I mean the fact that I set a little flashlight in that window and right away they said flashlight I don't understand why they're not turning it on it doesn't make sense but first time we got Skin walker come out of these devices we've gotten the word Skin walker come out very clean that one time we did the maze all I know is if nothing's happening maybe we should make our way right back over there help us again I just gotta help us how can we help you I'm thinking if we make our way over there again I felt like there was so much energy right there and since we started trying to do this flashlight method the rent did go off a couple times exactly it's like they're trying to direct us over there that's where we heard the whistle that's where they said all of that maybe we just leave the flashlight if the flashlight goes off great maybe they don't want to show us right you know what I'm saying we're gonna make our way back over here sorry careful this is where every thing started happening all the energy you've told us what you are can you make that coyote come back where are you show yourself this what the. whoa let go homicide it just said homicide what the. let go please this is not a game what that's weird man what do you mean by that we're not acting like it is we're just here to try to communicate and talk to you what the. is going on the times the multiple times that it's gone off they stopped but now it's just continuing holy dude thank you oh my God bro that's weird I was about to walk up to it and go reset it because I thought some how they just malfunctioned oh my god dude can you see us she has left she has left what does that mean skin walker dude you think so they're predominantly female I don't know man that's weird you're whistling asking where are you the REM pod goes off hell along and then it says she has left after it turns off yo you know what man we might have scared them away when I put the Drone up well that has to be it whoa Maybe you're good I think it was just above you're in trouble oh yo this is not good man she has gone she has gone she has left she has gone dude what the. are you me if the family can hear me if you need help if you truly need help please follow my directions what we need you to do is picture a bright white light you do not need to stay here follow that light and you are free to go use all the energy you can what ever you have left whoa it just said dork wait five there's five there's five of them in all oh my God bro they're in the house they're gonna go out the door if you are inside that house go out the door whatever is out here the skin walker now that we are out here we are protecting you until you go how dead end again this is happening again what is going on can some body let go right now what the. is happening let go flashlight right hear that yes stops and it sounded like some one whistle for me again dude that sounded like some one threw a big rock at us yo I think we're done I'm sorry I'm sorry but this is getting really weird and that was really up man that was loud bro that was some thing honestly super big that's not good I think we pissed some thing off me we might have I don't know why we're not trying to piss them probably because we just maybe potentially freed whatever is in the house we don't know we don't know 100 maybe we make a return there's so many places that we need to go back last week's video incredible we may have discovered a body this place right here needs a little bit more research so we need to come back oh dude that actually like stresses me out right there I'm like shaking we just want to say thank you we're going to be leaving now okay guys these episodes just keep getting crazier dude I'm telling you man there's just some thing going on mind you I'm gonna let you guys know we are moving from Reno to Vegas so in the middle of all this filming we're editing and we're packing and we have to move so we have so much stuff going on lots of lack of sleep is the problem but if you guys do want us to make a return eventually we're gonna make our way back here we have a lot of other places we have to focus on now we are looking for some body with ground penetrating devices so that. we get home and eat and I fell asleep on the couch again I can't help it I'm tired all the time. Raelynn is already sleep which she was in bed before we left.

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