Chapter 11.

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Journey POV.
its April 2022 and we are at Holbrook hotel. I'm dressed up because I just went on a date with River for the first time and it was my first date ever. I was really excited and it was very good I'm so happy to be a man who knows what he wants and not afraid to go get them. we may it back just in time too. it was a close call. Raelynn is very happy to know her parents are getting married soon. I am too I don't know if River is or not. but any way let's get the show going. its just Ryan Wyatt River and I. no Nik. the door knob rattling. then a knock. soft footsteps. rempod went off and knock. rempod going crazy off. more rattling. Ryan set up the flight light. which cut on. now off. rempod going off. flight light on then off. we think we are talking about John who killed him self in the bath tub. we heard two knocks. then we heard a groan. flight light on off on. back off. rempod went off. then we heard a groan again. then Wyatt decides to sit in the bath tub with the spirit talker and the k2. Ryan got touched on the back. we hear noises coming from the bathroom. mess came on the spirit talker. then the k2 went off. then the app said began. then chair makes noise. then River looked and Ryan has a huge scratch on his back. flight light on. loud knock. light off. the spirit talker said bite. k2 going crazy. then the spirit talker said thanks. loud knock. the spirit talker said pull. some one knocks on the door. knocking. app said right. then said torch. then said aggressive. then knocking. rempod going off. app said mum. worried. then we hear noise next door. app said true. rempod going off. so we go in the next room and I saw the pillow all fucked up and then Wyatt was fixing it. Ryan has the flight light again setting up two of them as there was a knock. k2 went off and some one is on the right side. flight light on the right side. rempod out in the front room went off. movement on the other side of the door. flight light off. then on. Ryan went under in the Estes method. River ask a question and Ryan said"I'm Eva." "now" Rempod going off. Ryan said"what's your name?." "I'm not a kid." "we were jumping." "I'm 11." "trust me." "do you see..." "me." knock in the other room. rempod went off. k2 went off. Ryan set the music box up. its going off. then we went back to John's room. app said admire. k2 went off. then we went home after packing every thing up.

its May and its almost my birthday and Ryan and River are 27. I'm almost 24. Raelynn is almost 6 years old. I can't believe my baby is growning up so fast. we're at the chollar mine in Virginia city. we're in the mine with the tour guide bill and the rempod going off. twice. then again. Wyatt has the spirit talker on. it say participate. then said burden. k2 going off. spirit talker said watched. then said Everett. then said my bones. rempod went off. distant footsteps. then the spirit talker said pregnant. Wyatt and River looked at me and I shake me head I'm not pregnant. its not me. then the spirit talker said skeleton. k2 went off. then the spirit talker said Sarah. rempod going off. Ryan turn on the music box. which went off. then the spirit talker said head. rempod going off. music box going off. spirit talker said flash. then there was an odd knocking. music box going off then Spirit talker said I hear you. then said careful. rempod went off then all stop. then music box going off. then the spirit talker said I respect you. then said lad. then said we live close. rempod going off k2 went off too. then Spirit talker said evening. then you're respectful. then said tall. then said speak. then said many deaths. rempod going off and the spirit talker said James. then said eleven. then said child. then said bench. then said husband. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said beware. rempod went off. then the spirit talker said come back again. then said Cart. then said my heart. then we went dark I was holding on to River's side I do not like the dark. Bill rang the bell. then the spirit talker said negative. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said candies. then bill lit the Candie on the wall. the Rempod went off. then the spirit talker said sit. then the spirit talker said curious. Ryan caught some thing behind him. odd thumb behind Ryan. then the spirit talker said haunt. then the app said killing. then two guys came down and we took a break. then we went back in and its just us. we get there and we heard footsteps coming towards us. Ryan turn on the music box again. there was knocking next to Wyatt. then the spirit talker said relative. more footsteps approaching us. spirit talker said little. music box going off. then the spirit talker said Sarah. then the app said forgive me. then the spirit talker said resemble. after Ryan was talking about the flight light. then it came on. then the spirit talker said sad. then we hear knocking. flight light off. then on this is talking about his little sister. then the spirit talker said many. flight light off. then the spirit talker said run. then said Arthur. then said Sarah. we heard footsteps. then the spirit talker said get out of here. then said encounter. k2 going off. footsteps continue. Wyatt hears knocking above us. rempod going off. then the spirit talker said ghost. then said human. rempod going crazy. Ryan hears noise that Wyatt heard. rempod went off. again went off. then the spirit talker said hate. River saw some thing. then the spirit talker said darkness. then said sitting. then said the wall. then said the grave. then said painful. then said yes I'm here. then the spirit talker said thirteen. then said here. we are at the half way then there was footsteps behind River. flight light on and the spirit talker said don't be fearful. then the spirit talker said prepare. then said guest. then said no. then said can you help. then the app said Me. then it said its me. then said always. then said lad. then we pack up and left back home.

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