Science Fair

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"Why are we here again?" Alexis asks as she is walking towards a building with Wilbur.

"Fun remember? Now just calm down." Wilbur says unworriedly.

"Easy for you say." Alexis says as she follows Wilbur into a building where a science fair is being held.

"Amazing." Wilbur says as he and Alexis enter the room where the people are with the projects.

"Certainly a lot of projects." Alexis says as she notices Wilbur gasp and follow's him over to a boy with blonde hair.

"This area's not secure! Get in! Have you been approached by a tall man in a bowler hat?" Wilbur asks as pulls Alexis and the boy under a sheet where the boy's project is.

"What?" The boy asks.

"Hey, hey. We'll ask the questions here." Wilbur says as Alexis looks at him unsurely.

"Okay. Goodbye." The boy says.

"All right. Didn't want to pull rank on you but you forced my hand. Special Agent Wilbur Robinson of the T.C.T.F." Wilbur says.

"The what?" The boy asks confusedly.

"Time Continuum Task Force. This is my partner Alexis Hathaway and we are here to protect you." Wilbur says as he gestures to himself and Alexis.

"Hi.." Alexis says nervously as the boy looks at her.

"Well..." The boy says.

"Now. Tall man, bowler hat. Approached you?" Wilbur asks.

"No why?" The boy asks.

"We could lose our badges for this. He's a suspect in a robbery." Wilbur says.

"What did he steal?" The boy asks curiously.

"A time machine." Wilbur says as Alexis playfully rolls her eyes while looking at him.

"A what?" The boy asks confusedly.

"I've tracked him to this time and my informants say he's after you." Wilbur says.

"Me? Why me?" The boy asks in surprise.

"The boys back at HQ haven't figured out a motive yet. And by HQ I mean headquarters." Wilbur says.

"I know what HQ means." The boy says.

"Good you're a smart kid! That might keep you alive for now. Just worry about your little science gizmo and leave the perp to me! And by perp I mean..." Wilbur then gets cut off by the boy.

"I know what it means!" The boy says annoyedly.

"Okay Mr. Smartypants." Wilbur says as he and Alexis get out from under the sheet.

"This is going to end well." Alexis thinks as she looks at Wilbur.

"Bowler Hat Guy!" Wilbur says as he attacks a man with a sheet on before it reveals to be a kid with a science project.

"My frogs!" A kid shouts as frogs are accidentally released.

"I can't watch." Alexis says as she stays out of sight while nervously watching Wilbur as he helps the kid to catch her frogs before going over with everyone as the boy presents his project.

"Have you ever forgotten something and no matter how hard you tried you couldn't remember it? Well what happens to these forgotten memories? I propose they're stored somewhere in your brain and I built a machine that can retrieve them. I call it the Memory Scanner." The boy says as he takes the sheet off his invention as Alexis and Wilbur smile and watch.

"It's shiny!" A woman says.

"So Lewis how does the Memory Scanner work?" A man asks.

"First you input the desired period of time on this keypad. Then a laser scans the cerebral cortex where memories are stored. The retrieved memory is then displayed on this monitor." Lewis says as he gestures to his invention's features.

"Wrap him up. I'll take two." The woman says happily.

"Now I'm going back 12 years three months and 11 days." Lewis says as he inputs numbers on the key pad.

"Why that particular day? You didn't think I was paying attention did you?" Another man asks.

"Well, that was the day... Let's just say, that was a very important day in my life." Lewis says.

"Fair enough. Play ball." The man says.

"It'll just take a second to get the turbines going." Lewis says as he turns the machine on before Alexis and Wilbur notice a hat with legs on the floor.

"Lewis wait!" Wilbur shouts before Lewis's science project then causes chaos throughout the room.

"Wilbur there he goes. I don't know why you lied about whatever your reasoning is for coming here but if it has to do with that kid we better catch up to him." Alexis says as Lewis runs out the door.

"Wait Lewis!" Wilbur shouts as he and Alexis run out the door after Lewis.

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