Rescuing Lewis

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"I can not believe Lewis is with him. What was he thinking?" Alexis says as she is with Carl and Wilbur after hearing Lewis went with Bowler Hat Guy.

"That I'm a bad friend. Either way we're getting him back." Wilbur says.

"There." Alexis says before the group hides as Wilbur makes bird noises getting Lewis's attention as the group sees a tied up Lewis with bowler hat guy before Lewis runs off the edge of the building as he is then caught by Carl and Alexis.

"Well I hate to foil your evil plan and run but ta-ta!" Carl says.

"Sorry we gotta run but hopefully you understand. Bye now." Alexis says as the group then leaves.


"I bet you're glad to see me! Ow!" Wilbur says as the group is walking back before Lewis punches him in the arm.

"That's for not locking the garage door!" Lewis says annoyedly.

"Wait. You know about Wilbur not locking the door?" Alexis asks confusedly.

"I know everything." Wilbur says.

"You gotta admit. This'll be a great story to tell me someday!" Wilbur says.

"Now let's just finished it's ending before anything else goes wrong." Alexis says.

"Couldn't agree more. Look at that kids. We're almost home free." Carl says before he is attacked by Doris causing the group to fall to the ground as Doris grabs the memory scanner and brings it to Bowler Hat Guy.

"Oh no!" Wilbur says seeing Carl stop working.

"Take a good look around kids. Because your future is about to change." Bowler Hat Guy says as he goes into the past

"Lewis you have to fix the Time Machine!" Wilbur shouts as he looks at Lewis.

"No, no. I-I can't!" Lewis says fearfully.

"Lewis! We are out of time! You have to give it a last try. Please!" Alexis says in alarm as she looks at Lewis.

"What about your dad? You could call him!" Lewis says as he looks at Wilbur.

"You are my dad!" Wilbur says.

"But that's in the future!" Lewis shouts.

"There won't be a future unless you fix the Time Machine! Look I messed up. I left the garage unlocked and I've tried like crazy to fix things... Even by dragging my best friend and you into it. But now it's to you. You can do it Dad. Lewis, Alexis? Lewis! Alexis!" Wilbur shouts as he eventually vanishes.

"Wilbur! I'm so sorry I never said anything. Lewis for everyone's sake set time back on the right track." Alexis says as she vanishes.

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