Chapter 15 (Be prepared)

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A/D: Just a short chapter about the villain's of this story.....

Somewhere outside the red wood forest Indy can be seen limping her way towards a wateringhole as blood drips from her freshly cut wound's.

Indy slowly losses her balance and falls to her hand's and knee's, as she panted in exhaustion and pain. She slowly opens her eyes and looks down at the paddle of water for a moment, before taking a drink as she tries to clean her wound's by using the water.

???: "What happened to you?"

A male voice can be heard as Indy recognizes the voice and looks back behind her seeing her friend/brother figure, it was Ripper and he seems to be healing very well.

Indy: "Got beaten up by Rexy and Yutaro's dino pall'"

Ripper: "Yutaro..."

She huff's as she continues to clean her wound's in the water and Ripper just sits right next to her.

???: "Geez can you not ruin the water!?"

Another male voice shouted as the two looks towards the direction and saw Ripper's rival, Scorpius rex and he seems to be in the same condition as Ripper.

Ripper: "What the hell do you want you freak?" He snarled at him.

Scorpius: "What do you think? I want you guy's out of here so i can get some privacy! And besides this is my wateringhole!!" He roared.

The two snarled at each other while snapping they're jaw's at each other daring the other to attack but before Indy could intervien another voice called out.

???: "Don't you mean "our" wateringhole!?"

The three looked where the voice was heard and to Indy's dismay it was the two largest carnotaurus's in the island, Bruiser and his sister Thrasher.

The three looked where the voice was heard and to Indy's dismay it was the two largest carnotaurus's in the island, Bruiser and his sister Thrasher

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Thrasher: "Yeah bit it dipshit's!!'

Indy: Stay out of this shorty this isn't about you guys! She shouted towards the smaller carno



Before the two where about to charge at each other Indy thought of the situation for a moment, Indy started to doubt that she can win as thrasher's brother Bruiser is larger and more bulky than her and there for could easily throw her around. But then the sound of flapping wings where heard as they saw a flock of pteranodon's flying towards the wateringhole as they screech at them.

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