Rexy's Last Day

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A/N: The Dinosaur's in this chapter will be Paleo-accurate and any Gif that involves Jurassic park/world is not included but only the dinosaur's

The scene starts of showing the sunset of the prehistoric world of the dinosaurs, before the camera then pan's closer to nest filled with 15 egg's, all healthy and almost ready to hatch that was right next to cliff.

🎶I made a promise, i swore i keep🎶

And right next to the nest was the remains of one of the parents.

This was Rexy's mate, He dead fighting an intruder and was trying to protect they're unhatched baby's.

🎶All that i wanted🎶

🎶Was to find something to live for something to stand for🎶

But just as things seemed to be calm at the moment, a scarred female Tyrannosaurus Rex was seen walking back to the nest with a dead ornithomimus in it's jaw's.

It was Rexy, and she looked pretty tired from hunting the small and nimble prey.

It was Rexy, and she looked pretty tired from hunting the small and nimble prey

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🎶And live and die for what i believe🎶

Rexy then place the dead ornithomimus next to the nest before sitting between her unborn hatchlings and her dead mate.

Rexy looks at the skeletal remains of her long dead husband and let's out a tear of sadness knowing that he would have been a great father.

🎶And this was worth it🎶

Rexy looks down at the beautiful prehistoric valley seeing many other dinosaur's living their day's with their family and friends.

Rexy let's out a low growl seeing a flock of Quetzalcoatlus flying over her and her nest, knowing that if she leaves they'll take the vantage of it and eat her eggs

🎶And all the hurting🎶

🎶Is only memory 🎶

Rexy then looks at her eggs hopping to see one of them finally hatch or even make a slight movement......

One of them twitch!

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