This is My Life

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 My life fell apart when I found out on the floor of my best friend's bathroom that I was pregnant at sixteen. Imagine how much more difficult it became when that same "best friend" stabbed me in the back at the lowest point of my life by telling my entire highschool I was pregnant. I was suddenly the school slut, but despite the insults and name-calling, I toughed it out until the end of the year.

I took my last final, and then went to another doctor's appointment. During my twelve-week ultrasound, I found out I was pregnant with twins.

In a matter of weeks, my life had fallen into pieces. I fit in at school, was first chair in the cello section, had a great best friend, and was making silly TikToks with my sisters on our joint account called Triplettok.

During the homecoming football game in the fall, I met a cute guy from the other school we were playing against. He told me he was a senior. We hit it off, texted a lot, and saw each other a few times a month. I really, really liked him. I had a good life. A great one, in fact, before everything changed...

"Hey, no sad faces," my dad said, looking over at me for just a second. His thick Irish accent cut through the silence of the car. "You girls used to love coming here."

I took my head off the car window as we passed the sign, welcoming us into the little mountain town.

Welcome to historic Allistar Lake!

Est. 1877

Population: 1,000

"It's been forever," Karly said from the back seat. "Don't worry, Kimi! This will be like a fresh start for you!"

Oh, thanks. All alone without my friends while you guys are having fun in Ireland with Mom and the rest of our family. Dad will be at work all day, and I'll be wallowing in my own misery while playing video games and eating all the ice cream I've been craving.

"Imma be real with you. I know it sucks, and I'm sorry," Korra said, her face still buried in her Switch from the time we left Mom's house an hour ago.

"Thanks," I said. "I do appreciate you guys helping me move in though. With all three of my suitcases."

"Hey, we won't see you in person until August, so we gotta get in all the seconds that we can!" Karly said, reaching forward and putting her arms around me in a hug.

They got on my nerves sometimes, but those two meant the world to me. I hoped my twins would have the same bond with each other.

I looked out the window and saw the big lake as we passed by it. The sunlight sparkled off the water. It was a hot, June day. The lake was dotted with all different boats. I could see the water taxi making its way from the campsite across the way to the beach nearby, loaded with tourists.

We rounded a curve, and the lake went out of view as we went uphill, into a neighborhood dotted with houses. After a few more twists and turns that were toying with my stomach, we pulled into the driveway. I popped one of my ginger chews in my mouth to fight the nausea, then got out of the car. This was really it: the first day of the rest of my life. 

Just like I remembered, the driveway was covered from the trees overhead. It was nice and shady, and there were no neighbors out, but I threw my baseball cap on my head anyway. It was too hot to put on a wig today.

My dad unlocked the front door and I walked up behind him. I wanted to grab my suitcases, but my sisters were taking the "no heavy lifting" rule way too seriously. When the door was unlocked, I went inside.

"How long has it been? Six, seven years now?" my dad asked.

"I don't remember," I said, taking off my flip flops.

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