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It's been a month since being trapped in the middle of a gun fight after going for a peaceful swim. I had my own room, walk-in closet, bedroom, and could go anywhere on the property except the far garden. I stayed to myself most of the time in my room, keeping myself busy with reading. Matteo, the man who rescued and stole me, was away doing work most of the time. I had the whole place to myself until Matteo was home. He had quite a temper and liked to boss me around and stay near me. He acted like I could run away when the guards or dogs would notice the second I step outside. 

"Welcome home, sir" I cursed under my breath as I closed my book quickly and silently rushed to shut my door. I quickly ran into the bathroom and started the shower while listening and waiting. I heard my bedroom door open and footsteps coming towards the bathroom door. I knew he wouldn't come in, he's not that cruel. 

"Ally" I hummed in response and he knocked on the door. 

"You can come in" He slowly opened the door and stepped inside. 

"I'm going to be away for awhile, a week actually, did you want to come or stay here? If you want to stay, there will be somebody watching over you. I'd rather you come with me"

"I'll think about it" He just nodded and started to walk through the door. 

"Also let me know what you want for dinner, you can get whatever" I sighed after he shut the door and stripped to hop in the shower. My mind was going back and forth not knowing to go with or stay home. I step out and slip into my night gown before I wrap my hair up into my towel. I walked down the hall into Matteo's room and he looked up from his phone making me take a step back. 

"I'm sorry" 

"It's okay, you can come in" I took a few small steps and he motioned to sit on his bed. I hesitated at first, but eventually slowly sat down. I watched as he stood up and excused himself across the hall to his office. I waited, waited, and waited. 

Matteo's POV~

I finally hung up the phone and walked back into my room to see Alyssa asleep on my bed. I sighed while looking at my phone while Luis was ringing on my screen. I looked back at Alyssa and pulled the blanket over her before picking up his call. I walked into my office and focused back on work before we take our business trip. 

Walking back into my room, I throw my jacket beside my bed on the dresser and walked into the bathroom. Completely forgetting about Alyssa in my room, I get dressed into sleep pants and crawl into bed. My phone vibrated and I opened my text messages to see what Luis was informing me about when Alyssa rolled over and cuddled up against me. She hummed and snuggled into my chest before going still and quiet. 

"Ally?" I gently shook her shoulder and she shrugged it off and went still again. I turned my phone off, pulled her in closer, and fell asleep beside her. 

Alyssa's POV~

I jumped awake, wrapping my arms around whatever I was laying against. The thunder rolled and shook the windows of the room and I sighed. I listened as the rain pounded against the roof and watched the lightening flash through the blinds. The next thunder boomed rattling the house harder and I squeezed the blankets, which wrapped around me. 

"Ally, what's wrong?" Matteo's hoarse sleepy voice came from the darkness. I blinked a couple of times trying to see if I was awake or dreaming. The lightening lit his face up and I jumped back after realizing I was asleep on him. His hand quickly reached to grab mine and I looked down at him. 

"It's alright, it's just thunder" I furrowed my brows in disbelief about how chill he is that I'm in his bed. I looked around for a clock and he pulled me back into his arms while sighing. 

"Is it okay if I sleep with you?" I looked up at his face, scared to hear his response as he opened his eyes to look down at me. 

"If it wasn't I would've drug you out of my bed" I slowly looked away from his eyes and he rubbed his hand across my back. I leaned back into his chest and he gently rubbed my head with his hand. I've never seen this side of him, but never wanted it to go away. I haven't had a hug in so long and really needed one, he was the last person I thought I'd get one from. I slowly drifted back to sleep in the arms of the cold, yet warm hearted, gangster. 

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